Tamworth Bands History : 1967
The 'N-Betweens
Coleshill and Maxtoke Ex-Servicemens Club
The Gate Inn Riding Club Professional Section Grand Dance
The Vipers
Shustoke Village Hall, 8pm-1am
Tamworth Herald - 06/01/67
Wilnecote Sports and Social Club are hoping to bring about something of a revival in the local "pop" scene by running regular monthly pop dances for the younger generation.
The aim is to bring a top group from outside the area and back them with a local group. This will serve a joint purpose in letting the locals see a fresh group from outside the area and also encourage the local lads.
The first venture takes place at Wilnecote Parish Hall on Friday next week and will feature The Modernaires a top Birmingham group who have a great deal of experience and polish in their work. They are also recording artistes. Their line-up is: Mick Stevens (vocals), Wilf Clare (bass), Mo Jones (organ), Ken Hordern (drums) and Tom Russell (lead guitar).
Mo Jones has recently taken up residence in Tamworth and the group will be making their first visit to this area for some time.
Supporting The Modernaires will be The Teenbeats a group of local lads who are improving all time and could well go places.
As from January 12th Thursday nights will feature teenage dances
Wilnecote Community Centre
Admission: 2/-
First group: The Four XXXXs
The Wanderers
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Beat Ball
Wilnecote Community Centre
The Modernaires and The Teen Beats
The Raynes
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Discotheque DJ Geoff
The Four XXXXs
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
The Niteriders
Glascote Working Men's Club
Phil Ryan and The Scorpions
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Tamworth Herald - 20/01/67
Young Folk Enjoy Wilnecote Beat Ball
Pictured enjoying the "beat ball" at Wilnecote Sports and Social Club on Friday night were some of the younger members and friends of the club. Music for dancing was supplied by The Modernaires and The Teenbeats. |
Beat Dance
The Four XXXXs and The Convention
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 5/-
The Fenders
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Swingin' 67 - Phil Ryan and The Scorpions
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Swingin' 67 Discotheque
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Dancing to Records
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Sombreros
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Tamworth Herald - 27/01/67
Dancing to "pop-music" is coming back to the Assembly Rooms in Tamworth. A Birmingham nightclub director and dance promoter has booked the rooms for tomorrow night and provisionally for two nights in February. Councillor Ramsey Paul, chairman of Tamworths new Civic Enterprises Committee, which is responsible for the rooms said: "These dances have nothing at all to do with the series of high-class dances and other public functions being presented by the committee."
The return to "pop" dances follows a dancing "flop" in November last year when a Stourbridge entertainments firm cancelled the rest of a six-month block booking of the rooms on Friday and Saturday nights after the first four dances did not get the support expected.
It was said then that the firm was trying to lift the dances out of the rut of "rather mediocre groups" and wanted to get back to a more traditional type dance.
When the Stourbridge company's booking was accepted by the Borough Council, Alderman Tom Kennedy said that an end to the "rowdyism" and to the "bad odour" which had surrounded dances at the rooms over the past two years would be welcomed on all sides.
Tamworth Herald - 27/01/67
Reporter John Bennett finds out:
Some of the young people interviewed are included in our composite picture. They all criticise the entertainment - or rather the lack of it in Tamworth. |
18 year-old Alan put his crash helmet on the cafe counter and straightened his leather jacket. Then he stirred another cup of coffee and said: "Entertainment for young people in Tamworth is lousy."
Alan is one of many young people in the town who are critical of leisure-time activities available to them.
I met Alan and others who support his views in cafes and public houses in the town centre.
All of them talked of the need for more entertainment. And some of them mentioned the "trouble-making set" who, they said had caused the whittling down of activities already pitifully low.
These young people's appeals for more to do in their leisure hours may not represent the feelings of the majority. There are probably more young people perfectly satisfied with existing activities provided by youth clubs and other organisations. Read On...
Beat Dance
Phil Ryan and The Scorpions
Fazeley Parish Hall, 8.00pm-11.00pm
Admission: 5/-
Tamworth Herald - 28/01/67
Sounds of Midnite City
The Roscoe Brown Combo Soul Discotheque With H Plus Go-go Dancers
Assembly Rooms
Beat Dance
Phil Ryan and The Scorpions (from Chester)
Fazeley Parish Hall, 8.00pm
Admission: 5/-
Tamworth Herald - 03/02/67
Saturday nights "pop" dance at Tamworth Assembly Rooms was a "flop" the head of a new dance promotions company admitted.
Mr Donald C Davies claims he is also a director of a Birmingham discotheque, said 150 attended the dance although several young people had to be turned away at the door because they were "dirtily dressed."
"The reason why the dance flopped was because it was not advertised sufficiently." he said. "We were let down by our printers and did not get the posters in time. "We are not suggesting young people should come to dances in formal dress - jeans are quite acceptable - but those we turned away were unclean. They seemed to be interested only in the late bar."
Mr Davies has booked the Assembly Rooms for two further dances - on Friday February 10, and Friday February 17. For the first of these dates he is hoping to engage the "pop" group "The Move".
Tamworth Herald - 10/02/67
Go Ahead Given for £300,000 Open-air Swimming Pool
Royal Naval Association Tamworth Branch
Valentine Ball and Buffet
Bob Mason and His Band plus the New Wave groups
Polesworth Memorial Hall
Admission: 10/-
Swinging 67 to Pipsways (Manchester)
plus Discotheque - D J Bluebell
The In-Pack
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.45pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Fazeley Swifts FC Valentines Dance
Drayton Manor Tower Suite, 8.00pm-12 midnight
Dancing to Alex Dewson Quintet and The Loving Kind
Admission: 7/-
Birch Coppice FC Dance
The Crusaders featuring Gordon
Dordon Village Hall, 8pm-1am
Admission: 5/-
Netherseal Young Farmers Dance
Halam Reaction (sic.)
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 9.00pm-11.45pm
Admission: 5/-
Soul Discotheque
The Attic Wilnecote Youth Centre, 7.45pm-10.15pm
Admission: 2/-
Bob Mason Orchestra
Glascote Working Men's Club Come Dancing, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 1/-
The Rocking Thunderbolts
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.45pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Birchmoor Sports and Social Club
Valentines Dance
Bob Mason and his Orchestra and The Harwell Reactions
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 8pm-12 midnight
Admission: 6/6
Swingin' 67
Plus Discotheque - DJ Kev playing Soul Music
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Crusaders featuring Gordon
Tamworth Progressive Club
Tamworth Civic Enterprises Present A Modern and Old-time Dance
Assembly Rooms, 8.00pm-11.00pm
Dancing to Roy Norton and His Band
Admission: 7/6
The Teen Beats
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
William Tolson Ltd Social Club Dance
Bob Mason's Orchestra and The Four XXXXs
Drayton Manor Missanda Suite, 8.00pm-1.00am
Admission: 6/6
Tamworth Herald - 24/02/67
Caption: Mod-clad Jayne White receives her membership card from Mo Tulk as other hopeful members wait. Midway through the evening people were being turned away, with the "House Full" notices going up. |
Two draughtsmen, an apprentice engineer and a bank cashier have taken it on themselves to brighten up Tamworth’s allegedly dull teenage social life.
On Friday a new discotheque opened at the Jolly Sailor in Tamworth. A club which promises to fulfil the needs of Tamworth's young generation.
It is designed by young people for young people. Arnold Walker (18), Vic Walsh (20), Glyn Lees (20) and Martin Edge (18) were bored with what Tamworth had to offer and decided to do something about it.
After months of work they have turned an upstairs room at the Sailor into a "swinging" meeting point for the fashion-conscious record-buying public. It was an instant success.
Before the doors opened on Friday night, Martin Edge said he would be happy if they could get a hundred members. Halfway through the evening people were being turned away and the doors locked on well over 100 teenagers moving and swaying to the heavy rhythm of over-amplified pop music.
The Crow's Nest was here to stay. Where other older-generation-inspired ventures failed, this one seems to have succeeded.
The Crow's Nest, Arnold, Vic, Glyn and Martin built could become more than just a club, it could become Tamworth's "in" place. Not only to be there but to be seen to be there.
Now there is no need for the traditional teenage cry of "there is no where to go in Tamworth."
Four young men who have the talent as well as the will to provide some thing of use have given teenagers a place to go on Friday nights.
Will it go the way of the folk club and flop after a couple of weeks of frenzied interest? The answer is with the teenage public.
Big Beat Night - The Trendmen and The Convention
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 6/-
The Reason
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.45pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Swingin' '67 - The Tribe (London)
Plus Discotheque - latest soul music - DJ Kev
Foseco Sports and Social Club
William Tolson Ltd., Social Club Dance
Bob Mason and His Orchestra
Drayton Manor, Missanda Suite, 8.00pm-1.00am
Admission: 6/6
Big Beat - The Trend Men and The In-Pack
Atherstone Memorial Hall, 8pm-11:30pm
Admission: 6/-
The Attic Discotheque
Wilnecote Youth Centre, 7.45pm-11.45pm
Admission: 2/-
The Easy Beats
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
Bob Mason and his Orchestra and The Wanderers
Reliant Sports and Social Club Grand Dance
Drayton Manor, Tower Ballroom
The Ensemble
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Teen Beats
Belgrave Working Men's Club
DJ Kev "Mr. Soul" the latest discs - Soul and R&B Music
Beat Group Competition
Tamworth College of FE Students Union Rag Week
The competition will be held in the college hall with attractive cash prizes for the winning group, and travelling expenses paid for others.
The Four XXXXs
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
The Pinch (Soul) with The Umpteenth Time (Ravers)
Assembly Rooms, 8.00pm-12 midnight
Admission: 5/-
Lloyd Jackson and His Band and The Four XXXXs
Tamworth Football Club Grand Dance
Drayton Manor Park Tower Suite, 8.00pm-1.00am
Admission: 7/-
The Stringbeats
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Tamworth Herald - 10/03/67
The Confederates beat group - competitors in the Tamworth Students Rag Week Beat Group Competition |
This week's programme began with a Beat Group Competition in the Hall of the College of Further Education on Monday night where 300 students and friends danced to high-powered beat music and the players themselves competed for cash awards.
Organisers of the college's third successive Rag are hopeful that at least £300 can be raised to be divided between the Save the Children Fund and Lady Hoare's Thalidomide Appeal.
Five groups took part in the beat group competition. Judged by 14 students representing all full-time courses of the college. Each of the competing groups were chosen by a draw from the 13 who accepted the conditions and entered, played for 40 minutes.
Scoring was based on the quality of music and singing, dress and presentation and speed and organisation. Bonus points were scored if the group took less than 10 minutes to set up their equipment and move it from the stage afterwards ready for the next group to takeover. Penalty points were deducted if it took more time.
First prize of £18 went to "The Pinch" a local group formed only six months ago. Their 14 numbers were received enthusiastically.
Members of The Pinch are 18-year-old Dave Mason, a carpenter in everyday life, who lives at 11 Jonkel Avenue, Wilnecote, soft drinks salesman Robert Broadhurst, also 18 of 51 Mythe View, Atherstone, and 19 year-old trainee building inspector John Hinch of 98 Gala Lane, Lichfield.
The group was started at Dave's suggestion and he said "Bob and I won the competition two years ago when we were in another group which has since folded up."
"Much to do about nothing" a team of five from Lichfield, gained the £9 second award.
The competition was only the fourth engagement for the four-month-old group, whose players are Geoffrey Bywater, aged 20 of 15 St. Michael's Road, Lichfield; Dave Lindsey (19), of 69 Cherry Orchard, Lichfield; Phil Barker, of 24 Christchurch Lane, Lichfield; Steve Howkins, (18) of 44 Rykneld Street, Alrewas, and Terry Glazebrook, (18) of 16 Mallicot Close, Lichfield.
Arranged by Betsy Woodward, a 17 year-old student at the college and one of the two main organisers of the Rag, the competition raised between £20 and £30 pounds. Ex-student Graham Hunter was the compere and electrician. Mr Patrick Rickwood the lecturer advising the Rag Committee, said the event was "an excellent send off for the week's events."
The judges were Sandra Grubb, Angela Meer, Annette Grubb, Andrew Gould, Malcolm Macdonald, Brian Richardson, Matthew Purkiss, Alan Payne, Ann Shakeshaft, Cynthia Hardy, Susan Anning, Jonathan Soto, Tim Jakeman and Jean Ferris.
The weeks "grand finale" - a rag ball with two beat groups - will be held in the hall tomorrow night.
The Soul Seekers
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Tamworth Herald - 17/03/67
Wanderers Will Make the Press Ball Swing |
Four Wanderers are wondering. The six year-old group are in the process of changing their image from the mother-and-father-appealing rhythm music to the teenage soul sound. And are wondering if the change will be successful.
The group play mainly at dances and clubs and have also appeared on television. On April 3, they have an important engagement at Drayton Manor when they play the West Midland Press Ball.
When the group started most of the members played instruments made at Kingsbury High School during woodwork lessons. From the original six four are still playing.
They are Mick Thorpe, bass guitar, Geg Prince, drums and lead singer, Terry Edwards, lead guitar, and Geoff Hudson, organ.
The Wanderers are booked to do a couple of half-hour "spots" at the Press Ball.
Traditional musical will be played by the Ken Rattenbury Band, making their third successive Press Ball appearance.
Tickets for the dinner-dance at 25/- each are going well. Only a few remain of Tamworth's allocation and application should be made to editorial members of the "Herald" at 10 Aldergate, Tamworth.
The Harwell Reaction
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Tamworth Young Farmers Club Spring Ball
Bill Graham and His Orchestra plus Soletta (Beat Group)
The Belfry, 9pm-1am
Admission: 7/6
The Easy Beats
Wood End Working Men's Club
And every Sunday - discotheque
DJ - Mr. Soul
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Convention
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
Tamworth Herald - 24/03/67
"The Pinch" Aren't Feeling the Pinch |
Bookings for the Tamworth group The Pinch our coming in more frequently now following the success of the three young players at Tamworth College Rag Week Beat Group Competition.
Formed only six months ago, the group had been going for as long as two to three weeks at a time without an engagement.
But now the three teenagers have a happier story to tell. They won the £18 first prize and gained a big following at the competition and since then have been getting a couple of engagements a week.
And next week an official of a recording company who has been watching the group with interest for some time will see them in practice at Tamworth Youth Centre.
The vocalist and lead guitarist is 18-year-old Dave Mason, a carpenter in everyday life, who lives at 11 Jonkel Avenue, Wilnecote, soft drinks salesman Robert Broadhurst, also 18 of 51 Mythe View, Atherstone, and 19 year-old trainee building inspector John Hinch of 98 Gala Lane, Lichfield.
They completed two engagements over the weekend and have another two bookings for this weekend. Last Friday night the group played the new Crow's Nest discotheque in Tamworth for the second time.
Well known for their "mod" clothes they have some of the best equipment on the market. Dave made his first guitar when he was at Wilnecote High School - but now has a 212 guinee Rickenbacker guitar.
The Pinch have their own brand of soul and blues music. After practising many numbers with the aid of records they then get together and work out a special style.
The Loving Kind
Polesworth Working Men's Club
Big Beat - The Trendmen and The Loving Kind
Atherstone Memorial Hall
Fazeley Swifts FC - Easter Beat Dance
Vince Diamond and the New Trend
Drayton Manor, Tower Ballroom
The Conrads
Belgrave Working Mens Club
The Zodiacs
Tamworth Progressive Club
The Sapphires
Belgrave Working Mens Club
The Conrads
Whitacre and Shustoke Horticultural Society
Shustoke Paris Hall
The ‘N-Betweens
Foseco Sports and Social Club