Tamworth Bands History : 1987 : April
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
THE all-new Great Express have just announced details of a major low-key tour this spring.
The outfit, now with Julian Amos and Ted Wilson as fully-fledged members, will visit a host of small venues throughout May and June before playing several large concerts towards the end of the summer.
Among the band’s latest crop of gigs is one at the Tavern in the Town on Thursday, May 28 and a visit to London’s Tunnel Club where The Express will team up with Richard Dean’s outfit The First.
The band’s full itinerary at time of going to press takes them to Burton, Tamworth Arts Centre, London, Lichfield, Ward End, Baddesley, Nuneaton, Stockingford, Derby and Worcester. They will be joined by several support bands en-route including ex-Soul Exit outfit The Great Divide who will team up with the Express on a number of occasions.
Also in the pipeline are shows in Liverpool and several universities and according ti ever-enthusiastic bassist, Mark Mortimer, everything is going along the right tracks…
“I feel happier about this than I have done about anything before it.” He said. “The sound we now produce is hard, aggressive and poppy and the contrast with The Dream factory is unbelievable.”
Mark says the sound the band now produce is in the Cope/Lemon Drops ballpark, but he can’t be more specific than that.
“It is really difficult to describe what we do, but it is hard, it is strong and we think it is very good,” he said.
Mark, keyboard player, Chantal Weston and drummer Dave Burgess, are delighted with their new brace of members, Julian Amos and Ted Wilson. Mark admits to being very impressed with Julian’s voice and stylish guitar work and he is delighted with Ted’s whole approach.
“Ted is a tremendously innovative guitarist and I like that a lot. He really fits in well,” enthused the Express bassist.
The band are now rehearsing hard in preparation for their forthcoming tour, and according to Mark they are certainly not short of confidence.
“Everyone seems really happy with our sound and direction and we are all looking forward to the future,” he said.
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
FORMER Parade and Great Express guitarist Bryan Lacey is on the lookout for a guitarist, singer and drummer to team up with him to form a new band tentatively called Carousel. Bryan says he is raring to go and he has a massive array of songs in the pipeline and also some studio and live work planned. If you would like to team up with this one, one of the most talented musicians on the scene, then contact him…
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
The Witch Doctors a r ‘n’ b outfit who will hit Tamworth Arts Centre on April 10 will be joined by a very popular support act. They are Crosstown Traffic, an outfit who have become very popular with the Tavern in the Town crowd and one that figure in the Muiscbox poll. The band are fronted by Andy Pearson, who used to be a member of La Grange, who of course have a lot of links with The Witch Doctors. As for the Doctors, their pedigree has been proven in that they have been asked to support both the Steve Gibbons Band and the Climax Blues Band in the next few weeks. It all looks like being an intriguing night for r ‘n’ b fans next week.
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
Rape in Yellow and The Calling will team up with an interesting-looking double-header at the Arts Centre on Saturday April 11. It will be both band’s first show since successfully won over the people in the 1987 ‘Battle of the Bands’ contest.
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
The Alley Cats have been in contact to say that they have now acquired a double-bass player for their modern rockabilly band. The group are hoping it will be painted a luscious pink colour which will really make them stand out in crowd!
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
One of The Dream Factory’s lesser-known classics ‘Stop the Dragon’ is to be featured on a special soul compilation EP on Inferno Records. The label will be releasing several impressive soul EPs throughout the next few months and another Factory song ‘Mousetrap’ has been lined up for possible inclusion.
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
The irrepressible Rikk Quay is back in action following his official split of XPD. Rikk has been working with Watershed, a Lichfield-based outfit who are currently working with the producer of Test Department in London. Rikk in his usual enthusiastic self about the music and looking at Rikk’s long and impressive track record, I for one am keen to hear the final tapes.
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
New Atherstone band The Little Green Men have been in contact to say they are now ready and raring to go with their sound which has been described as ‘melodic thrash’.
Tamworth Herald – 03/04/87
FOLLOWING my recent article about the seeming lack of bands in the Tamworth, Atherstone and Coleshill areas, I decided to look through all of last years Musicbox columns to find out just how many bands or potential bands we have around here. And I had a real shock. Throughout the whole year an amazing tally of 85 current, past or future local bands were named – not to say about 20 who were advertising for new people and didn’t have names.
In 1986 I mentioned The Dream Factory most, turning up in no less than 37 columns, Wolfsbane were next appearing in 35 weeks followed by Breaking Point (32), Dance Stance (29) and Catch 23 (23 aptly enough).
But whatever happened to Babys, The Fashionable Gents, The Magic Carrots, Fantasy Shift, The Crow, Dirti Trix, Not Only The kitchen, The Claydermen, Candle Dance, low Profile (very apt!) and Bambu Curtain?
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
Caption: John Garforth – Tamworth Arts Centre’s new manager. |
WHEN John Garforth was appointed the new manager of Tamworth Arts Centre, he brought with him 25 years’ experience in arts administration. Yet his career was not planned – it was, he says with a smile, something he ‘drifted into’.
He was working as a librarian in London’s Camden and got caught up in preparation for the Camden festival – so to the point where he found himself telling people what to do.
His ideas went down so well that he was whisked off into the arts department and put in charge of the box office and programmes.
Since then he has run an arts centre in Haringey and concert halls in the south and north – booking acts from the Sex pistols to Andy Williams.
A theatre buff since his schooldays, John has also acted, directed, and written plays – one of which was performed at the Hampstead Theatre Club.
Most recently, he ran the Questors Theatre in Ealing – a thriving and highly respected amateur company with a 300-seat main auditorium and a 100-seat studio theatre.
With 400 active members plus technicians and a vast army of helpers it was able to mount 25 productions a year and average 86 per cent capacity audiences over a 12-month period.
One of John’s main aims is to boost audiences in Tamworth and he believes it’s vital not only to publicise shows as widely as possible, but to tell people just why a particular show should appeal to them.
“One just has to try and build on the existing audience and I think it’s important to have good shows at regular intervals so that people know there is something on certain dates,” he says.
At the moment he is putting the finishing touches to the coming season of professional productions – hopefully including the sure-fire winner ‘Hancock’s Last Half-Hour’.
It’s John’s job to sell the centre – to see that it is used more in the daytime as well as in the evenings and at weekends, and as far as possible make it pay its way.
A lot of money is being put into it and the auditorium refurbished.
The coffee bar is to re-open selling snacks and hot lunches and the long-cherished scheme to turn the centre into an ‘open studio’ during the day is set to take off this month.
John is also enthusiastic about plans to launch a theatre for unemployed people, to be run as part of the open studio.
“There’s so much potential,” he says. “The whole idea is to really bring the place alive, getting people to meet here and use the facilities and the bar,”
John thrives on a challenge and whatever he takes on, he aims to see it through.
A graduate of the Open University, he got his degree he says, after 15 years.
It wasn’t the studying that daunted him, it was finding the time to do it. What with working extremely unsocial hours and moving about a lot. He had to keep giving up his course and starting all over again.
Born in Harrow, 50 year-old John – who is divorced with three children – says he is now thoroughly settled in at Tamworth, and has a flat at Amington.
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
Wolfsbane – Demo
WOLFSBANE no longer play concerts. They don’t make tapes any more and the don’t release singles. Because everything that comes out of the Wolfsbane stable these days is an EVENT.
Every gig is eagerly looked forward to, eagerly devoured and massively enjoyed, and every piece of recorded material sends a buzz around their followers that is as infectious as it is frenzied. So it was with considerable pleasure that I finally got my hands on this the latest Wolfsbane event – the new and very tasty four-song demo.
Wolfsbane spent virtually every remaining penny in their metallic kitty to get this sounding just right and on the evidence of my 8,432,547 hearings, it was money very well spent. This tape is obviously designed not only to get the band a plethora of gigs, but also to make record companies climb over each other’s egos to sign the band up.
First up is the majestic ‘Get Up’ , the song we were all left singing at the end of that unforgettable ‘Battle of the Bands’ final. To me this sounds more like r ‘n’ b that h ‘n’ m and has The Blues Brothers imprint planted all over it.
It has a sleazy, slinky sound, a delicious chorus and the sort of impact that makes me feel it could trigger off a terrific video. You can’t hep tapping your tow throughout the number and I for one think this would make an ideal second single.
As it does sound so r ‘n’ b-ish I would love to hear The Royal Family have a bash at covering this one!
Next up is ‘Hot Shoe’ which sounds rather colder (i.e. slower) that I remembered it live but it is no worse for that. It is more standard Wolfsbane metal music but it is still a notch above most of their exciting set because of yet another catchy, dynamic chorus.
‘Good Girl’ follows and is a song I didn’t really know well before hearing this tape. But in classic Wolfsbane tradition it takes just a few seconds and you are hooked. What really pleased me about this tune was that it really sounded ‘live’. Wolfsbane have always been known – and always will be – as a marvellous live act first and foremost and you can actually visualise the band on stage as this fast-paced rocker burns its way out of the speakers.
It has a touch of organised chaos and a touch of real power, which I think makes it one of the most outstanding new songs in the all-new Wolfsbanian set.
Finally up we have, “Dance My Tune”, another song boasting a killer tune and once which features some of Jase’s finest recorded guitar work. The song is simple, straightforward and powerful and with the help of that happy hook, it is one which I am sure will also soon become a well-loved Wolfsbane standard.
So four new songs, four new ideas and four boys still inching their way to that inevitable glory, If Wolfsbane don’t make it within the next few years/months, I will believe the oft quoted maxim that justice and rock and roll are complete opposites. But as the eternal optimist I refuse to accept that. Wolfsbane are four of the nicest people I know and they create one of the nicest sounds my music-battered ears have ever heard. Now, go get some fame boys!
Dance Stance
Embassy Suite
Witch Doctors
Crosstown Traffic
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
IT’S a big night for local music fans tonight (Friday) with two cracking, contrasting concerts on view. At the Embassy Suite, everyone’s favourite tip-for-the-top, Dance Stance make a triumphant return, while down the road at the Arts Centre the r ‘n’ b might of The Witch Doctors and Crosstown Traffic team up for an exciting double-header.
For those who just can’t decide which one of these tasty morsels to eat up, there is a solution. Dance Stance will not be on stage until around 10.30 so there is time to pop to both concerts ensuring a rock and roll night to remember. Anyway here are what both shows offer you lucky, lucky punters…
Fresh from the triumph of several prestigious university shows, Dance Stance will hit a Tamworth stage for the first time in months tonight. Their slick, powerful sound is guaranteed to get the Embassy floor shaking with dancers and for many of their fans it will be the first chance for several months to see just how much tighter and more professional this excellent nine-piece have become.
As the MUSICBOX band of the year they have clearly got alarge following ready to enjoy tonight’s special show but there are also a lot of outsiders who will no doubt go along on the night to find out just what all the fuss is about. So all you ‘dudes’ out there who want to hear some ‘wicked’ sounds (words courtesy of Paul Hanlon) get your bodies along and do some bopping!
Making their Tamworth debut, this brand new r ‘n’ b outfit are bound to get the town’s many fans of this musical genre piling into the Arts Centre. Their sound, as displayed on their fun new demo, is full of the sort of Royal Family appeal that should ensure a right royal Tamworth welcome.
The band who have had past links with La Grange and have future links with the likes of Steve Gibbons, will be joined by Crosstown Traffic, a powerful outfit who are top of the Tavern pops. Both bands should provide a good night out for all concerned, so head for the Arts Centre tonight, from 8pm onwards.
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
The Calling and Rape in Yellow will be in Arts Centre action next Saturday (April 18). More details next Friday.
Rape In Yellow
The Calling
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
LOCAL MUSICIANS are being offered the chance to have a unique insight into the inner workings of the rock and roll business. Ian Gibbons who has recently attended several major musical seminars, is currently trying to set one up in Tamworth. Ian intends to bring in major music promoters, A and R men, managers, disc jockeys and all the other people who can tell you about the contracts, deals and all the nastier side of the business. There will be a charge for the all-day seminar but as Ian is quick to point out, the invaluable advice bands can pick up will be worth far more in the long run. We will have more details soon nut in the meantime Ian would appreciate comments from interested people.
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
The new TAMAID tapes will be officially launched this week and we will have a full report and review in next week’s Musicbox. I have heard the final product and can guarantee that it is WONDERFUL!
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
Breaking Point’s debut single ‘Ode to Nicholas Romanov’ was reviewed in the Melody Maker last week. To put it mildly the review wasn’t quite as enthusiastic as my normal Breaking Point glorification, but as both The Dream Factory and Wolfsbane will testify, ANY national publicity is good publicity.
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
The Royal Family are back! The band are now back in the rehearsal room with a new singer in the hairy shape of Vic Taxi. Vic is an acknowledged fruitcake-lunatic, who loves music and drives around in a taxi scaring everyone to death. Eddie Blunt, the Family’s bassist, is delighted with the group’s new acquisition and Vic Taxi is equally enthusiastic. I for one am keen to see the patron saint of Taxi driving lunatics on the stage, because at least it will keep him off the roads!
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
Two former Classified Ads members Paul Clements and Derek Goodwin have just formed a new band called Vera Cosmarata.
Tamworth Herald – 10/04/87
The first meeting of the Tamworth Rock Festival 1987, will take place a week on Sunday, April 19. All bands interested in talking about the event should pencil the date in their diaries now.
Rape In Yellow
The Calling
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
Happy mix down at the Embassy
Dance Stance – The Embassy
I DON’T WANT to review this concert in full, as I have only recently turned my bright spotlight on Dance Stance, but I couldn’t let this gig slip away without making a couple of comments.
“The Embassy has the potential to be a very good venue indeed. The always progressive Jayne Fletcher deserves praise for mixing normal Embassy disco with a live show which ensures two entirely separate audiences. Let’s hope it’s not the last marriage of convenience.
Dance Stance played what I thought was another extremely enjoyable and professional set, and immediately afterwards DJ Noel Walker put a record on by The Blow Monkeys. And you couldn’t tell the difference. The ultimate testimony.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
THIS SUNDAY (Easter Sunday, April 19) the first meeting for the 1987 Tamworth Rock festival is to take place. Radical changes are expected in the format for this year’s Bank Holiday bonanza, and it is essential that everyone who wants to get involved in some way attends on Sunday night.
That means not only current bands, but groups who expect to be around in August and as many organisers/backroom ‘boys’ as possible. This is a vital meeting and if you want to get involved but can’t attend please contact either Sam Holliday or Rikk Quay before Sunday.
The meeting will be at the Tavern in the Town, starting at 8pm and it’s importance cannot be overstated. Do not miss.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
TAMAID has this week launched its second major fund-raising cassette – and it looks all set to be a moneyspinning sell-out. The songs, recorded at the end of last year, were put together as part of the ‘Children In Need’ campaign and all the proceeds will go to the Quince Tree Special School at Amington.
In classic Band Aid style, the two-track tape features a host of top local singers each singing a line apiece from songs written by Terroa and XPD.
You need Flash Player.
Youth Is Our Future |
The lyrics for the tracks – ‘Bombs Away’ and ‘Youth Is Our Future’ – have been specially written to fit in with the ‘Children in Need’ theme, and organisers are hoping the specially limited number of tapes will sell-out within a few weeks.
Mong those who added their vocals to the final mix were members of One On One, Attica, Soil Brothers, Catch 23, Cheesey Helmets and many more, all of whom gave their time, effort and money to take part in this exciting fund-raising venture.
The first of the two songs to be recorded was ‘Youth Is Our Future’ which was put together at the Expresso Bongo studio in Lichfield Street.
Paul Speare gave his queipment and recording time free to produce the song which started life as ‘Thunder and Lightning’ a old Terroa standard. The music was played by John Reeman, Eddie Madden, Batman, Pete Wright and Paul Speare’s wife, Paula who added extra piano.
Vocalists on this track were Mike Turner, Rikk Quay, Dave Ingham, Sam Holliday, Eddie Madden and Mick Goodby, and the end result is a powerful blast of commercial, punchy new wave music. The song is catchy, danceable and very striking with the main vocal attack being: “Youth Is Our Future, our precious future ands we’re calling you just to open your eyes…”
The second track on this, TAMAID’s second recorded fund-raiser is ‘Bombs Away’ a song originally recorded by John Reeman and Rikk Quay as XPD. This time the venue for the recording was switched to Richard Cuttler’s studio at Freasley, and once again Richard gave all his time, equipment and expertise free of charge.
The main singers on the track are Andy Baldwin, Mark Brindley, Anice Byfield, Steve MacNamee, Steve Webster and John Reeman with the additional help from Denis Byfield and Steve Ellis. Steve only came along to take a photograph and still ended up in the recording booth!
The song, for those that don’t know is a wonderful slice of Sigue Sigue Sputnik style electronic anarchy, with a gorgeous hook and the sort of irresistible beat that could make anybody bop!
The song has also been wickedly ‘studioised’ by the likes of Cuttler, Quay, Reeman and Speare, which give it plenty of silly quirks and sampling diversions which add a touch of humour to an otherwise deliberately serious track.
The main chorus on this song sums up the whole point of the TAMAID exercise – ‘Bombs Away, let’s set our children free, from fear and sadness and poverty…’
Put the two songs together and you have a very original tape, for which everyone who took part can feel extremely proud of. The songs are lively and entertaining and they will bring a flood of memories back to all of those of us who were lucky enough to be involved with the project.
The tapes come in a specially designed sleeve (see above) instigated by Jed Moore and completed and printed by Edward ian Armchair. It looks superb, sounds superb and every penny raised from its sale will go towards the very deserving cause of the Quince Tree Special School.
So how do you get hold of one of the beauties? Well, TAMAID are producing just 100 copies of the tape at the special price of £1. As all the costs have already been met by musicians’ contributions and money raised from the ‘Battle of the Bands’ it means that all the cash will be heading for charity so while you get your hands on this tremendous slice of Tamworth music at its best, you will also be helping people less fortunate than yourself.
Copies are available from me, Sam Holliday or by writing to TAMAID, 327 Masefield Driver, Leyfields, Tamworth, Staffs. Copies are limited and there will be no repressing so don’t waste a minute. Help TAMAID by giving TAMAID.
*NB – cheques and postal orders should be made payable only to Tamworth Rock Festival Association.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
Caption: Edward ian Armchair…welcome back |
TAMWORTH ARTS CENTRE plays host to a unique free concert on Saturday night – which brings together three exciting and varied acts.
Spearheading the show will be the ambitious Rape in Yellow, who will be joined by The Calling and Tamworth’s first ever alternative poet Edward ian Armchair, making a surprise and very welcome return to the stage.
The show has been put together by Rape in Yellow, a band who are determined to build on the success of their debut at Tamworth Battle of the Bands.Armed with an all-new 45 minute set, a strong committed line-up and bucketloads of confidence the band are eager to show the town’s music fans just what they can do.
“We want to be up there with Wolfsbane and Dance Stance as soon as possible,” said singer Graham Harwood. “We think we have got some interesting songs and we hope people will see we have improved a lot since the Battle of the Bands.”
At their debut show, many people were very impressed with the band’s modern, intelligent outlook and they very varied sound, which encompassed everything from the Kinks to The Cure.
Among those bowled over by Rape in Yellow was T-shirt supreme Edward ian Armchair. He was so impressed with the group that as well as helping them out with merchandise he has agreed to come out of semi-retirement to join Saturday night’s freebie concert.
Edward, who hasn’t performed live in eons, will no doubt be watched with extreme interest by the new-wave of wordsmiths, such as Jed Moore and Kevin McGough. Edward always produced a quite superb, entertaining set and I for one am keen to see him back in that famous old armchair…
Completing tonight’s show (and going on last of all) will be The Calling who have not split up contrary to wild press claims (!). The group have hinted that they will play a very long set indeed and there is no doubt it will be lapped up hungrily by the town’s alternative fans.
Three very different acts, all capable of stealing the show and best of all it’s free, free absolutely free. If you miss Saturday’s show, I hope you choke on your Easter eggs.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
TONIGHT (Thursday) is the night for the Tamworth Herald/LK Roadshow/Ind Coope pop quiz and there are still a few places available to take part in the entertaining event. If you are interested in making a late entry (just £5 for a team of up to five people) give Sam Holliday a ring.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
Musicbox is delighted to welcome local heavy rock fan D.J. Colin Wall to our team. Colin will be reviewing heavy rock metal albums for us on an occasional basis over the next few months. As I don’t understand or particularly like this music. It means Musicbox’s many rock followers will be able to see h.m. records ripped apart by someone with some authority on the appalling subject.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
The Great Express have added yet more dates to what is becoming their ‘spring offensive’ tour.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
The Alley Cats, Tamworth’s new rockabilly kings have changed their name. The Cats will now be known as Running Wild, a name they will use on April 18 (Saturday) when they play their second concert at Central Club, Burton.
Tamworth Herald – 17/04/87
Cheesy Helmets bassist Richard Cuttler has sent in a letter suggesting that Tamworth Bands team up to record a compilation tape. More details in the future.
Running Wild
Central Club
Rape In Yellow
The Calling
Edward ian Armchair
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 24/04/87
Wolfs won over by some sleaze
GOOD news on the record company front. Wolfsbane spent a very profitable week in London last week meeting record company people of all shapes and sizes. There were come very encouraging comments, particularly from CBS so let’s keep our fingers crossed. Incidentally, the band spent the week with the Stranglers-loving friend of mine, Joanne Caulkin who attempted to get Wolfsbane interested in the Meninblack. She only succeeded when she played a video of ‘Nice ‘n’ Sleazy’ whichjust happened to feature a whole host of strippers. Typical heavy metal sexist louts blah-blah-blah…Also on the record company front, Dance Stance held a very successful promotional night at Nuneaton last week which was attended by several of the leading record companies. According to Eric Reed, the band’s sex symbol guitarist, the group cam in for some high praise and the future looks good. Could this be the start of something big?
Tamworth Herald – 24/04/87
TAMWORTH has once again been heavily featured in the new national magazine for young people ‘LM’. This month Mark Mortimer has contributed an excellent article about the town’s music scene. It featured pictures of Kara and Dance Stance and talks about both bands plus The Dream Factory, One On One, Great Express, Freight Train, Julian Cope, Freight Train, Edwin Starr and Magnum. It is a very impressive piece and I for one will never tire of promoting this impressive magazine. Now go and buy it!
Tamworth Herald – 24/04/87
DESPITE having their name in LM magazine, Kara have in fact split up! But, on the bright side vocalist Steve Prince, drummer Rob Chivers and bassist Alan Page have joined up with guitarists Tony Colborne and Jim Young to form an entirely new band – Tokyo Raid. We hope to look at this band more in the near future.
Tamworth Herald – 24/04/87
IN CASE you missed last week’s article, just a reminder that the new TAMAID tapes are now available at an amazing all-inclusive price of £1. All the money raised from the two track cassettes will go towards the Quince Tree Special School at Amington. The tape features members (and ex-members) of Attica, One On One, XPD, Terroa, The Magnets, Catch 23, Orange, Soil Brothers, Sitting Pretty, Depth Charge, Cheesey Helmets and represents Tamworth music at its best. Tapes (remember just £1) can be brought from TAMAID, 327 Masefield Drive, Leyfields, Tamworth Staffs and all cheques must be made payable to the Tamworth Rock Festival Association.
Tamworth Herald – 24/04/87
A BRAND NEW Tamworth alternative band make their town debut tonight (Friday). The four-piece outfit, The Searching, will team up with Dosthill superstars Rape In Yellow for an interesting-looking Arts Centre special.
The Searching play music which is described as being like a cross between ‘Late Damned and Early Cure’ and is bound to find a natural home among Tamworth music fans.
They have been in their present format for a few months and play original music written by Steve Scott, a Two Gates-based songwriter who attends the Birmingham Polytechnic School of music.
A spokesman for this intriguing-looking outfit says:
“The band have their own sound and style helped by strong percussion and bass lines.”
Joining The Searching tonight will be Rape in Yellow making their second visit to the Arts Centre in a week. Rape have a fair few Cure touches but also bring a lot of psychedelic and Sixties overtones.
Tamworth Herald – 24/04/87
RATHOLE SUPREMOS Ian Gibbons and Chippy have booked a whole host of bands for some ‘May mayhem’. All these outfits will be joined by local bands to be confirmed at a later date, but for now, get these dates on your calendars now…
April 26 – Wrathchild/Wolfsbane
May 03 – Rumblefish
May 10 – The Surf Drums
May 17 – Ausgang – A Go-Go
May 24 – The Great Express
May 31 – Wunderstuff
And for some time in June, Wolverhampton reggae band Progression and Pop Will Eat Itself.