Tamworth Bands - History 1960-1990

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13 - The name of the band is...what were we thinking?

Emma Gibbs Loves Badges
Emma Gibbs Loves Badges
circa summer 1989
Photograph: Nichola Musgrove

Ash and I are sat in the living room at my mom’s house, everyone long having gone to bed. We’ve been drinking. For whatever reason, we’re scanning that week’s Tamworth Herald, particularly the Scooper page. This is the page where the kids get to write in and inform the rest of Tamworth about their hobbies and interests.

There’s an article about an eight year old girl who collects badges, proof that it doesn’t take much to get into our local paper these days. Her name is Gemma Gibbs. The caption, beneath a grainy black and white photo, reads “Gemma Gibbs Loves Badges.” Ashley suggests that this would be a brilliant name for our band. I am compelled to argue that, actually, it’s a bit of a mouthful. We come to a compromise and drop the first “G”. So the name of our band is Emma Gibbs Loves Badges. The name of this band is… Emma Gibbs Loves Badges. Emma Gibbs Loves Badges? What were we thinking?



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