One day you'll leave that man alone.
Alone in your shit infested home.
Selfish to the bone, evil and mean.
You were nice, now you're obscene.
Bitch, slut, slag, whore.
Man would cry, if only he could.
Left him one day, now you've left him for good.
Ageing fashion for your nights of passion.
Under the stars in the back of his car.
Sweet sixteen you're a catholic queen,
Shattered all his childhood dreams.
I wanted your love, I didn't want more.
You're a bitch, you're a slag - you're a fucking whore.
Grime in your nails, the shit on your feet,
Silvikrin hair and your plastic teeth.
Party piece plaything pleases your needs.
Licking you out as your period bleeds.
Got a smart car and nice new socks,
Put the Durex on his clean young cock.
Suck him dry, bleed him dry, 'til he falls.
Get your grubby fingers around his balls.