Scream Dream (Scream)
Scream Dream
Photograph courtesy: Tamworth Herald
The Gallery |
Formed: 1988
Musical Type/Genre: Goth
Steve - Vocals
Paul Keeton - Guitar
Duane - Drums
Niz Concannon - Bass Guitar
Battle of the Bands
The Conspiracy
Mr Cyn
Torn in Two
Scream Dream
Future Field
Tamworth Arts Centre
Battle of the Bands – FINAL
The Conspiracy
New Age Gypsies
Scream Dream
Tamworth Arts Centre
Scum Ball
Scream Dream
Spiral Eye
Mr. Cyn
New Age Gypsies
The Detroit Sinners
Assembly Rooms
Sex Gang Children
Scream Dream
Spiral Eye
Scream Dream
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Rock Festival
Cuddly Spiders
Rape in Yellow
Future Field
Fetch Eddie
Catch 23
Scream Dream
Breaking Point
Castle Grounds
Admission fee 11am-7pm
Scum Ball
Spiral Eye
Scream Dream
The First
The Macoys
Assembly Rooms
Dumpys Rusty Nuts
Shock Promise
Scream Dream
Lichfield Arts Centre
Space Seeds
Scream Dream
The Macoys
Tamworth Arts Centre
Space Seeds
Scream Dream
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Rock Festival - Indoor Festival
New Puritans
Double Vision
Tamworth Arts Centre
The Rathole (Lincolns)
Litany of Fear
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Arts Centre
Burton Rock Festival
The Gatecrashers
Satellite Spies
Breaking Point
Scream Dream
Eight Ball Joe
Burton Town Hall
Scream Dream
The Rathole
Tamworth Herald - 29/01/88
Salute the best in new rock talent
TAMWORTH ARTS Centre is to stage a new version of the annual ‘Battle of the Bands’ in February – featuring only bands who are new to the scene. The idea was to turn the event into a ‘Most Promising Band of the Year’ contest and it has been thrown open to any group who have emerged since the last ‘Battle’ of 1987.
Already 15 groups have been nominated to take part over three heats in February. The winners on each night will then be invited to a gala final on Friday, March 4 with a £75 prize and Young People’s Arts Festival awards for the eventual victors.
Among the better known bands who will be involved are Fetch Eddie, The Conspiracy and Kubla Khan, but the event will also be the platform for first ever concerts by groups such as The BBC, Mr. Cyn and DHSS.
Although there may be slight alterations before the finalised line-ups, the current running order and the new ‘Battle of the Bands’ is as follows:
Torn in Tow, The Conspiracy, Scream Dream, The Cuddly Spiders and Future Field.
New Age Gypsies, Mr Cyn, Fetch Eddie, Jim Crows, The Band With No Name.
DHSS, Kraze, Kubla Khan, Spiral Eye, The BBC.
On each night the judges will be made up of members of longer-established Tamworth bands such as Wolfsbane, Catch 23, A5, Rape In Yellow, Depth Charge (now called Never Say Die) and so on. It will be their job to pick one winner from each night, who will go forward to a grand final along with the second highest-scoring group.
For the winners there will be cash and trophy prizes, but perhaps more importantly, the title of Tamworth’s Most Promising Band of 1988.
On each of the heat nights the bands – who cover everything across the rock spectrum – will have just 20 minutes to impress the judges, and with five bands on each night no-one should have anytime to get bored!
We will give more details of each of the concerts in the next couple of weeks but for the time being clear your Sunday evenings in February and get ready to salute the best in new rock talent within this music barmy area.
Tamworth Herald - 12/02/88
Plans have been unveiled for a major new-band concert at the Assembly Rooms on Friday, March 11. The show, which should be a perfect finale to the new group ‘Battle of the Bands’ contest, have been ambitiously put together by members of Scream Dream and Spiral Eye who have taken the brave and highly commendable decision to go for broke at a venue that has seen the likes of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Dr. Feelgood and even Dickens! The bands on offer at this the ‘Scum Ball’ will be Scream Dream, Spiral Eye, Mr. Cyn, Detroit Sinners and The New Age Gypsies. Tickets must be bought in advance and cost a mere £1.50 but we have two to give away in a simple contest. Just tell us the answers to the following and two ‘Scum Ball’ tickets are yours. (1) What was Spiral Eye drummer Jim’s stagename as a member of Attica? 2) What band did Tim Latham and Ted Wilson used to play on?
3) What was Scream Dream drummer Duane, publicly labelled at this time last year? Simple isn’t it? Just send your answers to Musicbox.
Tamworth Herald - 12/02/88
OUR TEAM of reviewers have been out and about again this weekend concentrating on two gigs in particular – the special Comic Relief show on Friday night and the highly successful ‘Battle of the Bands’ show on Sunday which brought over 200 people to the Arts Centre – the biggest attendance at the venue since last year’s battle.
Scream Dream – Battle of the Bands
A PLEASANTLY powerful surprise this. The inevitable Mission/Sisters/Balaam comparisons were made, but this reminded me more of the post-punk new wave bands full of searing guitars, gritty vocals and skin-breaking drumming by Monsieur Duane. Niz (looking like a demented Dee Dee Ramone) and Paul Keeton both produced power-packed guitar works, and with Steve (looking like an un-demented Robert Smith) throwing in a vicious, vocal edge, this was very pleasing on the ear indeed. Definitely a combo to scream AND dream about.
Sam Holliday
Tamworth Herald - 28/02/88
There are only two weeks now to the ambitious ‘Scum Ball’ project at Tamworth Assembly Rooms. As a reminder, various enthusiastic new bands have pooled their resources and finances to book the Assems for the (Friday) night to put on an array of new talent. The five bands to be featured – Mr. Cyn, Spiral Eye, Scream Dream, The New Age Gypsies and The Detroit Sinners – are eagerly awaiting the chance to shine on such a big, impressive stage and they hope the audience will turn out in big, impressive numbers. Tickets are now on sale for the show, from members of all the bands involved or directly from The William Tolputt Press, George Street.
Tamworth Herald - 04/03/88
Four turn up the power on finals night
TAMWORTH’S highly successful Battle of the Bands reaches its exciting climax tonight (Friday) at the Arts Centre. Four bands will line-up in the event aiming to win the award as Tamworth’s most promising new band for 1988.
So far the contest has provoked good crowds, fine concerts and its usual share of elation, disappointment and controversy. Tonight promises to be just as tense and exciting as four bands attempt to win the overall award won in past years by One On One, Breaking Point and most recently Wolfsbane.
To decide who should win the prizes there will be ten judges. They are: Steve Webster and Nick Smith (Catch 23), Graham Walters (Shellshock), Pam Patten and Ian Gibbons (Rathole), John Reeman (DHSS), Ian Harwood (Rape in Yellow), Chris Edden (A5), Dave Caswell (Jabberwockie) and Alan Bayliss (The Parade). They will be judging the following four bands.
Heat One winners and a group who have made a dramatic impact locally since their formation some months ago. After first conquering Tamworth, they have now earned praise in both Atherstone and Lichfield and are soon to spread their wings further. Their passionate new-wave-based Cult-rock had been compared to many bands but still has that extra, vital ingredient of originality. If they win tonight it will be the icing on a bountiful cake of recent success.
Heat Two winners and another group who have developed very quickly since their early beginnings. Starting originally as a hippy band, the group soon smashed this concept with a sound that was far heavier and more direct that the whimsical late Sixties image they attempted to portray. Solidly supported in Atherstone and increasingly popular in Tamworth, they have a vitality and enthusiasm which could well be rewarded with victory tonight.
In as winners of Sunday’s heat and having attained the highest marks in the contest so far, could well be THE band to beat. Strong, powerful metal music from a band with a hallmark of quality.
Probably my favourite new band (along with Spiral Eye) to have emerged from the contest, the Dreamers have taken their place for being the highest scoring throughout the four weeks. Modern influences abound but these boys are very much their own scene-setters and they could be dark horses for inevitable glory.
All four bands will be given their usual 20 minutes to win over the Arts Centre judges and the corwds before the eventual winner is chosen. They will be awarded the title Tamworth’s Most Promising Band 1988 – Battle of the Bands Winners for the Tamworth Young people’s Arts Festival and will join the hall of fame with Breaking Point, One On One and Wolfsbane.
In addition to carrying the title for 12 months the winners will pick up a cash prize of £75 and individual ‘Battle of the bands’ trophies which will be theirs to keep. In addition of all goes to financial plan there should be one or two extra goodies on offer to winners and losers alike because above all, the final of the ‘Battle of the Bands’ is always a fun night and a cracking concert to boot!
If the past couple of ‘Battle’ finals is anything to go by, tonight will be packed to the rafters and the atmosphere will be red-hot. Get along at 8pm (any later and you may miss a moment which you shouldn’t) and get set for a wonderful exhibition of the very best of new music in the local area. The winners will have a marvellous title to carry around with them for 12 months. The losers will have the satisfaction of knowing they at least reached the last four, and all the punters should have a night to remember for the rest of the year.
The battle lines are drawn – let battle commence.
Will all bands get to the Arts Centre by 5pm. Will judges arrive by 7.45pm.
Tamworth Herald - 11/03/88
Screaming in to take the honours
DELIGHTED SCREAM Dream won the 1988 Tamworth Battle of the Bands title on Friday night after a thrilling final. Another jam-packed Arts Centre audience was treated to four exciting, contrasting performances before judges delivered their eagerly-awaited result.
It led to scenes of wild excitement from the Scream Dream camp which was no surprise considering this was only their second ever concert.
What made the Dreamer’s success even more remarkable was that in the heats leading up to the final they had only finished second. But that highest-scoring second was enough to inch them into the final and there they produced a far better performance which left their three opponents beaten.
To lose in a final is always a disappointment but New Age Gypsies, Conspiracy and the excellent Kraze have every reason to feel proud for their fighting shows which won over large percentages of the audience.
It all began with the eventual winners, Scream Dream. They emerged from a blanket of suffocating dry ice with a power-blasting sound which immediately caught the audience’s attention. With the addition of the always impressive Ted Wilson, the guitar sound in particular was irresistible, layering stylish melody line upon stylish melody line and being backed with some thumping, gritty bass and drum work.
Fronting the band with an aggressive, confident show was vocalist Steve, a man who looked good, sounded powerful and probably wished there wasn’t quite so much smoke obscuring his natty haircut.
The set was all over far too quickly but by the time it finished I was convinced that here is a new Tamworth band of real charisma, talent and ability. They were going to take some beating.
Next up were New Age Gypsies who led the Atherstone assault on the Tamworth title with a show which I thought was the best I have ever seen from them. Any rough edges from previous shows had been clinically rooted out and discarded leaving the New Agers with clear crystalised sound with one foot in the Eighties and one in the Sixties. The band, and their travelling support, seemed happy with the show. Could the standard be maintained we asked ourselves?
Kraze said a resounding ‘yes’ within the opening seconds of their set which followed next. The outfit, who had been so impressive in the heats kept up that high standard with a varied well-balanced and powerful show.
The classy Graham Phelps led the guitar attack with an accomplished air and the mixture of males and female vocals made a refreshing and invigorating change. Best number was the superb “Dance Till Dawn” but altogether this was a very, very good show from a band who are ideal for the metal connoisseur and very palatable to your average poppy-punter.
Completing the show were The Conspiracy, the only band who seemed to suffer from nerves on the night. As a result this was not the best Conspiracy show we have witnessed but as the pressure started to lift at the tail end of the sent, we began to see that old fire again culminating in a dazzling version of “Passion Burning”. Paul Bethel again impressed all who saw him and heard him although rock and roll credibility dipped somewhat when he had to take his mom home straight after the show! Still she seemed to quite like the concept.
Following The Conspiracy’s departure from the stage, ten judges headed for their special room to make the ultimate decision on who was the Tamworth Young People’s Arts Festival winners for 1988. They all had to mark on two things – performance and potential – which summed up the idea that this was to find the area’s most promising new band. All ten judges (who came from widely different musical backgrounds to ensure there was no ‘fix’) thought differently but at the end of the day two bands were outstanding in the scores – Scream Dream and Kraze.
I don’t normally name the second band but as they came so close I feel Kraze deserve a hearty pat on the back. But this year it was Scream Dream who took the ultimate position and accolade. In just two shows they have already established themselves a a major force and there is no doubt that the confidence-booster that they have received by winning the prestigious award, will put them in very good stead for the future.
A fine band and a fine competition. As usual there were moans and groans afterwards but what we had seen were four excellent concerts which had all produced bumper attendances and kept the area’s music scene on the rock and roll boil. The battle is now over and all bands, judges and crowds must lay down their arms and join forces for the next major event – tonight’s ambitious ‘Scum Ball’ project at the Assembly Rooms.
Tamworth Herald - 11/03/88
A UNIQUE concert takes place tonight (Friday) at the Assembly Rooms. Under the banner of “The Scum Ball”, the special concert is designed to be another major display of the area’s rising musical talent spotlighting five relatively new acts.
Among these are new Battle of the Bands winners Scream Dream plus three other groups who sparkled in the contest – Spiral Eye, Mr Cyn and New Age Gypsies. And to complete a strong line-up we find a totally new and not entirely serious act who call themselves The Detroit Sinners.
“The Scum Ball” is so unusual in that in the spirit of the Tamworth Rock Festival it has been totally paid for by all the bands on the show. The Assems does not come cheap and with all the attendant PA costs and more, it means all five groups had to put their hands deep into their pockets to ensure that we could all go to the ‘Ball’.
The five bands all see the concert as a chance to further discover the talents that were graphically unveiled during the ‘Battle of the bands’. One of the bands, Spiral Eye, say that all the groups will be playing longer, stronger sets than in the ‘Battle’ and will be offering one or two additional extras.
It should be a real party atmosphere and all the Scum Ball organisers hope that a successful turnout at Tamworth’s top venue will mean that more concerts of this kind will find their way onto a stage which has welcomed the likes of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones in former glory years.
The bands on offer – with the exception of the Detroit Sinners – should now be known to local audiences thanks to the Battle of the Bands. Scream Dream of course will come fresh from their triumph last Friday and will no doubt still be in celebratory mood at being acclaimed as Tamworth’s Most Promising New Band. Their sound has its roots in modern Sisterhood and latter-day punk and involves sterling guitar work and punishing vocals. The New Age Gypsies offers a rock-base dose of hippydom! While the Spiral Eye contingent offer a hippy-based dose of hippydom! Their debut show at the Arts Centre was both amazing and eye-opening and combines Velvet Underground sounds with a later Sixties atmosphere and attitude which was quite intoxicating. It will be very interesting indeed to see how that translates to the wider theatre of the Tamworth Assembly Rooms.
Completing the quartet of bands who you will already know are the ‘new’ One On One – Mr. Cyn. The band opened their account with a professional, stylish show in the ‘Battle’ contest which would probably have won them a place in the final had it not been such an amazingly strong heat.
Unlike the more alternative-based bands on the ‘Scum Ball’ line-up, Mr. Cyn should appeal to people who like to hear rock in all its various shades and anyone who likes to hear first-class arrangements and first-class musicians. As for The Detroit Sinners they are a real ‘wait and see’ act who feature a host of interesting musicians and cause wide smiles whenever their name is mentioned. Watch that space.
So five different bands and one very different concert. The Assembly Rooms is a lovely, credible setting for rock concerts and if tonight’s show is the success everyone is hoping for, it could be opening its doors on many more occasions yet. All the musicians who set up the ‘Scum Ball’ (which starts at 7pm and goes on until 12.30am) deserve support and credit so if you want to support a worthwhile show and enjoy a fine concert to boot get along to the Assembly Rooms tonight.
It costs a mere £1.50 on the door and there are not many balls you can get into for that meagre amount.
Tamworth Herald - 15/04/88
Scream Dream and Spiral Eye are to join forces for a special show at JBs in Dudley shortly. The dynamic duo are looking for local fans to travel over and support them and for that reason they are running a special coach at the very reasonable price of just £3. If you are interested in securing a seat, tickets and more details are available from band members.
Tamworth Herald - 27/05/88
Battle of the Bands winners Scream Dream have landed their biggest show yet.
The band have been lined up to appear alongside the likes of Sex Gang Children and The Bomb Party in a special alternative festival to be held in Birmingham next month.
The event at Moseley Dance Centre, will feature The Sex Gang Children, The Janitors, The Bomb Party, Die Laughing, The Crockery Set and our very own Screamers. The Tamworth combo earned their slot in the event after their first demo (reviewed here shortly) was picked up and praised by one of the organisers.
“It’s obviously great news and it will be a real step up for us,” said guitarist Paul Keeton. “Hopefully, there should be one or two record company people dotted around the audience so it’s a superb opportunity for us.”
The show will take place on Sunday, June 12 and tickets are a modest £5 for the whole thing. As a goodwill gesture Scream Dream are organising a free coach to ferry supporters to the show and more details are available from band members.
“It would be good if people came along to support us because if we do well it could lead to a lot of other things,” said Paul.
Tamworth Herald - 27/05/88
AFTER a long wait, the band of the night finally materialised before their ever eager fans.
They launched into “When The Hour Comes” and the crowd went wild. Some new songs emerged (which everyone seemed to lap up with greed) one of which was particularly memorable to me “Back Waters”. By far the most powerful songs of the evening were “Till The End Of Time”, “Dreams” and their version of “Not Fade Away”.
Ted Wilson’s ‘axe’ work was as spectacular as ever, as was Steve King’s strutting around, in fact all of the band played with a style rarely seen in these parts.
After some ‘hassle’ for us little people, this hot and sweaty night was worth waiting for. Despite a few technical hitches, Scream Dream did Tamworth proud.
Tamworth Herald - 03/06/88
Scream without anger
Scream Dream – Dreams
IT DIDN’T take me long to become a Scream Dream fan. Just a few seconds after the ‘Postman Pat intro had died on its debut gig. I was engulfed by both their on-stage smokescreen and their absorbing music. I was convinced that there was a special quality about the band’s sound and I remain of the firm opinion that Scream Dream are going to be a leading light in the local and not so local music scene. Which all makes this tape curiously disappointing.
Maybe I was expecting something more, something more akin to their aggressive all-powerful live show and something far more dynamic. The problem with a two-tracker is that it completely lacks the band’s onstage charisma energy and raw ewdge.
‘Dreams’ for example sounds very half-hearted and blatantly lacks the passion which the song produces live. It all sounds rather pedestrian and mid-paced and lacks the guts of its live equivalent. ‘Til The End of Time’ is far better coming over as a much superior and more original song where the band are able to show off a little more of theor impressive musicianship and a lot lore of their songwriting style. It should have been the lead track on the tape of that I have no doubt.
The most positive thing about the tape is that it has already impressed people in the know. On the strength of it Scream Dream picked up their prestigious Sex Gang Children show and that must be regarded as a very good thing indeed. After all if people can see the talent of this combo from this unconvincing demo they will be completely overcome when they see the band produce the magic of their live set.
Rather like Catch 23 whose first demo disappointed me greatly after fine live concerts the band will soon reach the stage where their studio and stage presentations reach the same consistency.
One step forward, two steps back.
Tamworth Herald - 10/06/88
DON’T FORGET on Sunday night Battle of the bands winners Scream Dream join up with Sex Gang Children and several other top alternative bands for a special festival in Birmingham.
It’s the Screamers biggest gig yet so if you can get along and support them they will be very grateful. More details about the gig – and possible coach places are available from the group members.
Tamworth Herald - 17/06/88
FOUR varied local bands in live action this weekend during one of the busiest weeks on the local scene for some time.
Tonight (Friday) Spiral Eye and Scream Dream team up for an exciting-looking Arts Centre double bill which is certain to attract a large local audience.
Also tonight The Conspiracy take their power-rock to the virgin territory of Birmingham University and to complete the picture an all-new group The Ravens, appear at Tamworth Arts Centre on Sunday.
Here is a brief resume of what to see and where…
SPIRAL EYE/SCREAM DREAM – Tamworth Arts Centre, tonight (Friday)
A final double-bill from stablemates Scream Dream and Spiral Eye. Both have slready wormed their way into local affection with their contrasting but over-ridingly memorable sounds. Spiral Eye are determined to bring a brand of space-rock to the Town, music based on (and based from) hallucinations. Barry Fox, Darren McFerran, Pete Wright, Jim Smith and Rem describe their sound as ‘lysergically inspired herbal flinge sounds,” and I for one am of the firm opine that they are brilliant. Different, but brilliant. Scream Dream meanwhile are a little bit more conventional, a seething mass of powerchord, all-engulfing rhythms and first-class songs. Their impact has been immediate and looks set to be lasting. A very good double indeed which should appeal to all punters who like a walk on the wild side.
THE CONSPIRACY – Birmingham University tonight (Friday)
Lisa, Roger, Paul and Sonny will attempt to teach university students something about real life tonight at this end-of-term ball. The seering sounds of Conspiracy music will combine with that of other outfits in an attempt to entertain the boffins and the BOFs (Do people still say BOFs by the way?) A big night for The Conspiracy, ten out of ten for getting this one.
THE RAVENS – Tamworth Arts Centre (Sunday night)
A new band (relatively) making their Town centre debut. The young outfit – comprising Matt Starr, Daz Meads, Andy Wells and Nigel Pretty – play a hybrid mixture of 50s and 60s classics with a few of their own numbers thrown in for good measure. Rock and roll, Beatles tracks and one or two very well-known classics will be served up to the audience and singer Matt Starr is hopeful it will go down very well indeed.
“We have played one or two local shows and the reactions have been very encouraging.” Said Matt. Sunday’s show starts at 8pm and costs just £1 at the door…
Tamworth Herald - 24/06/88
I didn’t get to see too much of last Friday’s alternative bash at the Arts Centre but what I did witness convinced me that Scream Dream are getting harder. Spiral Eye are getting better (fab light show and amazing versions of ‘The Beginning of the End’ and the superlative ‘Sentinel’) and Manns Brown Ale is getting even stronger.
Tamworth Herald - 05/08/88
WOLFSBANE Tamworth Arts Centre, Saturday and Sunday, with Fetch Eddie, Catch 23, Scream Dream and DHSS.
And so the end is nigh…The end of four wonderful years in which Wolfsbane moved from being just another young metal band into potentially one of the biggest bands in Britain, and certainly Tamworth’s biggest ever offering to the national music scene.
Their mega-bucks deal with US giants, Def-Jam Records means Bayley, Jase, Steve and Jeff jet off to Los Angeles later this month to record their first album and hopefully hit the road to stardom.
It means we won’t see them in this country again for a very long time, and who knows when, if ever, they will play in Tamworth again.
Indeed the odds of seeing Wolfsbane in a venue the size of Tamworth Arts Centre again are about the same as Tamworth signing Tony Cottee.
So their final farewell gigs, the first-ever two-night stand at the Arts Centre pulled a packed audience out of Tamworth’s finest musos and the varied assortment of crazies from all over the country who travel to see the Wolfies these days. MUSICBOX writers and Martin Warrilow and Ray Clenshaw (who also starred in Catch 23 on the Saturday night) were there to record the proceedings, on two very different but brilliant events.
SATURDAY…The punters were arriving in Tamworth at about midday for this, and the Arts Centre was white-hot by the time openers Fetch Eddie hit the stage.
You could tell it was going to be a great weekend as Aaron and the boys turned in a sparkling set of quality pop that stood out as a diamond in the dirt that stands for music these days. From the opening strains of ‘Mean Tin O’ Beans’ through a selection of Fetch Eddie faves, and a newie entitled ‘One Two Feet’ they sounded considerably better than their outdoor festival set and won a fine reception from the Wolfsbane-supporting audience. Quite simply, with a little more refinement in the presentation there is nothing to stop these boys from becoming the next big Tamworth band and making the wonderful Phyllis James the happiest woman in Britain. Marvellous.
Old faves
Catch 23 caught the mood superbly with a blasting set of their old faves and some classic covers “Tears of a Clown”, “Fever”, “Heatwave”, were all churned out with style along with “This Day and Age” and “Twisted Mind” dedicated as usual to George who as usual, loved it. Steve Webster in a Howling Mad t-shirt was in fine form and proved that he might well be Tamworth’s next star front-man. I happen to know they thought they were awful. I thought they were brilliant.
I wish I could say the same for Wolfsbane. Although they got considerably better for Sunday’s show, which tragically I missed. I have to say that Saturday’s set was ragged, untidy, overlong and rambling. The band is all about power, excitement, drive and catchy tunes. All that disappeared in a morass of wordy between-song raps from an over-emotional Bayley and some unnecessary clowning. When they finally got down to music they were spectacular, but there just wasn’t enough of it to keep the crowd interested. I’ve never been bored in almost three years of watching Wolfsbane. I was nearly bored by this. Oh, how I wish I had been able to see Sunday’s set. As it is, I’ll just remember them wowing the crowds at the Festival. Until that is, we all rush down to our local record store to buy the album. The end of an era.
SUNDAY…Well what a farewell for Wolfsbane. The show opened with the DHSS who produced their special helping of sadistic pleasures with a frenzy of synthesisers, the best example of which was “Vicar’s Hand” showing up Edward ian Armchair for the sick man he undoubtedly is. Crazed but fun.
Great blast
Next up were Scream Dream, a truly nice bunch of lad who produce a great blast of noise on stage. “Dreams” was once again the best tune of an exciting set although “Obsession” came a close second.
Then came Wolfsbane for their last-ever Tamworth Arts Centre show. This was a sleazy bonfire of metal madness of the very best sort. I’ve watched them since they started and this was the dirtiest and most anarchic set I’ve ever seen from them. They have now reached a peak of rage, and this was far more than four guys just getting on a stage and playing songs. This was a testament to Tamworth and its musicians. Wolfsbane have reached new heights, have progressed beyond their past and gelled into a big loud sleazy ball of power. In the limited range of heavy metal they just get better and better. I have never heard them produce such gut-busting metal power before and an emotional ‘Clutching at Straws’ was the highlight of a white hot set. And then they were gone, leaving us with a sense of past successes and anticipation of the future. Because undoubtedly the best is yet to come.
Tamworth Herald - 12/08/88
FOUR top local bands line-up at the Assembly Rooms tonight for what is being billed as a major indoor festival.
The concert billed as ‘The £1.50 Festival” is seen as being the Scum Ball 2 as it is once again being spearheaded by Hamlets stablemates Spiral Eye and Scream Dream.
Joining this talented duo tonight (Friday) will be two bands much newer to Tamworth eyes. The one, The First, have made major headway into the Midlands rock scene since their last appearance in the Town while for the other, ‘The Macoys’ this is a debut concert and one which promises a great deal.
Tonight’s show, which comes just a few months after the original Scum Ball event is seen as further establishing the Assembly Rooms as a major venue in the Town.. The last time the Scream Dream and Spiral Eye entourage took over the Assembly Rooms the audience clearly appreciated the chance of venue and many people expressed the wish that gigs quickly returned to the centre.
Tonight’s four band indoor festival offers the listener a very wide range of sounds. Clearly the double-edged appeal of Spiral Eye and Scream Dream will prove to be the gig’s biggest selling point with both bands currently holding a very high prestige in local favours.
Scream Dream, who many people told me played their best ever concert alongside the Wolfies last week, clearly enjoy the expanse and epic nature of the wider stages and bigger concerts and they will keenly await the chance to pass on their ‘obsessions’ to the Assembly Rooms audience. Even since they won the Battle of the Bands the group have been developing at a pleasing rate and should use tonight’s wide arena to prove just how far they have come in their short history.
Another band keen to reinforce their fast growing reputation is Spiral Eye. Thus unique and dramatic band were loved by just about everybody at the Castle Grounds festival and for those who enjoyed that, there are plenty more treats from the group when they take their mysticism indoors. It is a mixture of strange sounds, strange lighting and strange effects and the atmosphere created is chillingly different.
Less well-known to more recent Tamworth followers are The First who also joing tonight’s line-up. They made quite a name for themselves around 18 months ago when they were regular visitors to the Rathole and The Arts Centre. Then, their grandiose stadium rock gave them an immediate and committed following and although I cannot vouch for their current status, if the band have developed and improved on that they should be intensely watchable this evening.
Completing a stylish line-up are the newest of the groups – The Macoys. This is a new combination of old talents. Those who remember Love One Board, orange or the Great Express will remember the members of this group although the sound is far removed from all three. It is once again pop music with an edge and it comprises the distinguished talents of the likes of Neil Jones, Dave Burgess and Julian Amos. The group have already recorded one tape (reviewed here shortly) but this will be their first major public performance. It is hardly the smallest show in which to make your debut but between them this band probably has more experience than most of the other musicians on view put together so nerves shouldn’t prey too much on their ability. Definitely a band who will command much interest because if the previous ability shown by the people involved is repeated once again we are all in for a treat.
So there are the four bands. Scream Dream, Spiral Eye, The Macoys and The First. It all begins at around 8pm and as I am not sure of the line-up you will have to make sure you get their early enough not to miss your favourites.
As the concert is called the £1.50 Festival it shouldn’t take too much thinking to work out how much it costs to get into the Assembly Rooms and as I know for a fact exactly how much overheads at the Assembly Rooms run to it must be stressed that this is tremendous value for money.
Get along tonight and fill the place to capacity and who knows the Assembly Rooms might start to become a major force on the local music scene again for the first time since messrs McCartney and Lennon played there.
Tamworth Herald - 19/08/88
Scream Dream – Tamworth Assembly Rooms
A few months ago, Scream Dream released their first demo which I found to be disappointingly lacking in fire. I felt that the group had a lot more aggression and rage in their repertoire – and this concert proved it. This was one of my favourite Scream Dream shows because the superb music was cloaked in a veil of proud fury. The group gnashed their teeth, hammered their instruments and produced a set that was quite riveting. Also pleasing was the fact that we actually got to see the band this time around. That now infamous smokescreen had a rather short-lived effect leaving the band exposed to the light which added to the confrontational feel of the gig. The tunes bounced and buzzed along merrily and I was taken by the sheer pleasure messrs. Keeton, Wilson and the boys seemed to take from their powerhouse sound. One thing that was also quite noticeable was the increasingly impressive stage presence of singer Steve King. He now dominates the stage (which is after all the function of the frontman) and his charismatic style has become one of the band’s best selling points. All together this was a strong, intelligent and memorable show from a band who seem far better at handling musical war than musical peace.
Tamworth Herald - 19/08/88
Scream Dream – The Barrel Organ
It all began when the notorious ‘When The Hour Comes’ began to creep around the room. The usual faces supported the stage as Steve King introduced an old favourite ‘Til The End Of Time’ and the regular set then followed including the brilliant ‘March Winds’ and the mind blowing ‘Obsession’. The highlight of the evening was definitely ‘Dreams’ especially as it was dedicated to moi! Encores consisted of ‘Asylum’ and ‘Jumping Jack Flash’ which were a pleasant change and just proved that the Screamers can make anything sound good. Everyone present was sad to see the night come to an end. All can say is well done Scream Dream and let’s hope all future gigs are as successful as this one.
Tamworth Herald - 19/08/88
Scream Dream guitar king Paul Keeton recently won a massive prize in a special Melody Maker competition. Paul won hundreds of pounds worth of equipment in the contest as well as several nice comments in the magazine.
Tamworth Herald - 26/08/88
Scream Dream have acquired another of those big shows. They will team up with Lichfield band Shock Promise as suport act to the famous Dumpys Rusty Nuts at Lichfield Arts Centre on September 2. DRN, who have twice hit the Reading Rock Fest, are a lively outfit who feature ex-Hawkwind man Alan Davey on bass. Admission for the three band show is £2.50.
Tamworth Herald - 09/09/88
Tamworth favourites Scream Dream take their sound onto the road again next week when they team up with The Children in a special show at Charlottes in Leicester. The band will be running a coach at cost price only (that’s £3 per seat) and if you want to book a slot on it, contact band members as soon as possible.
Tamworth Herald - 07/10/88
Scream Dream’s neo-legendary drummer Duane celebrates his 21st birthday tonight – in High Wycombe. For Duane and his fellow Dreamers are taking part in a show tonight at high Wycombe (described by Paul Keeton as the ‘centre of the rock and roll universe’) and are hoping to celebrate Duane’s birthday a little closer to home next week. We will have more details in next week’s BirthdayBOB.
Tamworth Herald - 28/10/88
THIS lovely looking feller is the first recipient of the MUSICBOX Cutie Pie of the Week Award.
This all-new feature (a sort of nice version of Rogues Gallery) is an attempt to show your favourite local pop stars in the days before they became rock and roll wrecks and their mothers still had good reason to be proud of them.
This first winner is Scream Dream supreme Paul Keeton as I am sure you could tell immediately. Paul is pictured here as a former goalkeeper for the Gillway Boys Football Club in the days when Sacred Oath, The Cradle and Scream Dream were still many, many moons away. Did this man take up the wrong career we ask ourselves?
Any more cutie pie nominations and photos will be gleefully snapped up by MUSICBOX.
Tamworth Herald - 11/11/88
Scream Dream – JBs (Dudley)
There was a disappointing turn out for what proved to be one of Scream Dream’s better gigs.
After having to wait for what seemed like forever, the boys eventually emerged on stage, and launched straight into the intro, which was new and unheard before (well by me anyway!)
Songs such as ‘When The Hour Comes’, ‘March Winds’, and one aptly named ‘The New One’ topped the list, and the lads were soon in full swing.
With Duane’s drumming coming over as the strong point of the evening, all of the songs were performed with the usual vigour and style.
All this and much more contributed to making the night a happy and successful event. Well done lads keep it up.
Review by Jane Beech.
Tamworth Herald - 25/11/88
It seems Scream Dream were last week supported by a band fronted by the lead singer of the Jesus and Mary Chain. The group –calling themselves the Express Way – were in Paul Keeton’s words ‘pretty good’.
Tamworth Herald - 09/12/88
SCREAM DREAM’s popular drummer Duane Grant has surprisingly parted company with the group.
The band are thought to have recruited a new sticksman and a result of the change this Sunday’s proposed Arts Centre concert has been postponed.
Scream Dream’s future plans include a possible tour of Scotland in the New Year as well as dates at many other major British cities.
As for Duance, the hugely likeable drummer is now looking for a new band to team up with. If you need an enthusiastic…
Tamworth Herald – 20/01/89
TAMWORTH’s rock fans are in for a real treat throughout February when the Arts Centre hosts a sparkling indoor festival.
Three top quality concerts will be on offer featuring the best of the area’s older acts and some brand new local talent.
And to top off the whole indoor extravaganza it is hoped that Wolfsbane will kick off their major UK national tour by concluding the festival on Sunday March 5.
Plans for the indoor festival were sorted out on Sunday night when Tamworth’s main outdoor festival for 1989 was launched. Once again a huge crop of bands registered interest in the 89 outdoor festival and at least 14 of these will be involved in the indoor festival in February/March.
At the moment the line-ups are strictly provisional but here they are as they stand at time of going to press. Please note the line-ups could change dramatically and you will have to keep reading this column to find out exactly who is playing and when. Assuming everything does go according to plan here are the line-ups for Tamworth’s 1989 Indoor Rock Festival.
Sunday February12
CATCH 23 will headline with the support of one ‘oldie’ Emma Gibbs Loves Badges and two ‘newies’ Big Noise and Shock Culture.
Sunday February 19
SCREAM DREAM will headline with Mike Fleming’s act Nightshade and two relatively new acts – The New Puritans and Double Vision.
Sunday February 26
DHSS will top-off a line-up featuring The Space Seeds, Never Say Die and King Woderick.
Sunday March 5
WOLFSBANE (contract permitting) will kick off their UK/USA tour by headlining alongside Spiral Eye and Kraze. If the Wolfies can’t make it Spiral Eye and Kraze with team up with A.N. Other band.
As you can see from the above, many new bands have already emerged for this year’s festival and in addition to those listed look out for several other new groups who have set their sites on the Castle Grounds for July.
In the meantime, pencil the above dates in your diary now. With the first three shows all the money raised will go towards the outdoor festival so they are vital fundraisers as well as tremendous concerts.
All the line-ups will be finalised in the next few days/weeks so keep your eyes peeled on this column. This indoor festival will prove a very exciting sampler for what you can expect this summer so get set for a Fab Feb and hopefully a marvellous start to March.
Tamworth Herald – 03/02/89
Tamworth Indoor Rock Festival 1989
THE Tamworth Indoor Rock Festival begins a month long stint at the Arts Centre on Sunday with a tempting looking concert combining the old and the new of the local music scene.
Over the next four Sundays, 15 bands will play under the Indoor Festival banner concluding on Sunday March 5 with the eagerly awaited return of the mighty Wolfsbane.
Before then however there are bags of goodies to look forward to. Scream Dream, DHSS, Bash Out The Odd (ex-Space Seeds) Never Say Die, Spiral Eye, Kraze and several brand new bands will combine their talents for the festival and on Sunday the whole rambling charabang gets off to a powerful start.
The four acts who will hit the Arts Centre stage this week are the award-winning Catch 23, the much-admired Emma Gibbs Loves Badges and two brand new groups – The Big Noise and Shock Culture.
For Catch 23, the show will be a triumphant homecoming. The band have not headlined the Arts Centre for many moons and they are keen to show their natural audience just what has made them one of the most talked about young bands in the country. For the past two years they have been chosen as the best school/college age rock band in the whole of the Midlands and this year they are hoping to extend that to the whole country by winning the final of the TSN Rockschool contest. They have powerful allies to that end – dj Mike Read is an acknowledged example – and if you want to see why, then just stand back and listen on Sunday night. Their all new set will include the three songs that won them the TSB regional heat, including MUSICBOX song of year ‘Hangin’ On’ plus many, many more that may be unfamiliar to those who haven’t caught the band in a long time. Expect to be impressed.
The other established band on the line-up are Emma Gibbs Loves Badges, who specifically requested to play alongside Catch 23. Lee Revelle’s band have undergone somewhat of a transformation since their early days and the increased profile and popularity of their performance indicates that it is a change that has been welcomed by the masses. I have become an admirer but being as I was slagged of for disliking them in the start and then slagged off for LIKING them in their last gig-fanzine I will offer no opinion at all because it would obviously be invalid. Suffice to say that they are very watchable these days. Try not to miss them.
Teaming up with these two old bands (seems daft calling Catch 23 old doesn’t it!) are two brand new acts – The Big Noise and Shock Culture. The latter, Shock Culture are a complete mystery to me unfortunately, and all I can say is that they are ideal festival material. By that I mean something which you can watch without any preconceptions allowing YOU to pigeon-hole them (if you must) before I do (if I must). There, that was a good way of hiding my ignorance wasn’t it.
Completing the show is The Big Noise. This outfit made up of Ben Machin, Carl Harris and Ana Situnyake say they are influenced by the likes of That Petrol Emotion, Teardrop Explodes and Captain Beefheart.
“The band are crispy in a crunchy sort of way.” Insists their manifesto. “You’ll have to listen to see what you think.”
Actually they sound pretty interesting and they are almost certain to get a good review because Ben Machin’s sister Helen is a Herald scribe who will no-doubtedly beat me up if I dare to dislike them.”
That’s the line-up then, pop kings Catch 23, the unique Emma Gibbs, the mysterious Shock Culture and the alt-popsters The Big Noise. It is a very entertaining looking line-up and at just £1 per person entry it represents the best value of the year.
The proceeds from the show (starts 8pm) will go towards this years Tamworth (outdoor) Rock Festival so that’s another good reason not to miss it. We’re looking for a capacity crowd on the night, you won’t let us down will you?
Tamworth Herald – 17/02/89
Tamworth Indoor Rock Festival continues in exciting style on Sunday when a four band show is headlined by the Town’s first-ever ‘MOTH’ band.
The band with the ‘Mothy’ description are Scream Dream who have somewhat rockified their alternative sound to make for a metal/goth feel which they are labelling as ‘MOTH’ music.
Joining the reigning Battle of the Bands winners will be Mike Fleming’s rock outfit Nightshade and two new and very different bands, Smiths-style New Puritans and r ‘n’ b merchants Double Vision.
Together it represents a very varied and interesting line-up, not least because it will be the first Arts Centre showing of Scream Dream for some time.
The band, as well as showing off many new songs, will also be revealing their new line-up. Drumming for the group will be powerhouse sticksman, Dave Detroit, the ex-Macoys and Great Express man. He joins a band who according to guitarist Paul Keeton have undergone somewhat of a transformation.
“We have moved away from the more obviously alternative sounds and we have tried to make it a bit more like the rocky side of The Cult on their ‘Love’ album. We are all very pleased with the sound and we hope it goes down well,” he said.
Scream Dream have quite a lot of items on their forthcoming agenda, the first of which is a concert at Charlottes in Leicester in the next couple of weeks. A coach will be travelling to that show so if you’re interested take your cash for the trip to Sunday’s show and buy a ticket.
Joining Scream Dream this week are three very varied acts. Nightshade, are a 70s style rock band who made quite an impact at Festival ’88. They boast the major presence of Mike Fleming on bass and as this is their first show in Tamworth for some time they are keenly awaiting the concert.
The New Puritans are also on offer on the evening. They made their debut as the Ku Ku Spitz at the end of last year where their short James-style set made me yearn to see more. They have played a couple of subsequent Arts Centre shows but this will probably be their most varied audience to date and an interesting show is in prospect.
Concluding Sunday’s entertainment are another act who most of you will be new to. They are Double Vision, a group who play r ‘n’ b music and who are looking forward to giving the Tamworth crowd a walk on the bluesy side. Much more about them I don’t know, but as I said last week, that is the real beauty of festivals – you will have to suck it to see.
So, that’s the agenda for week two of the Tamworth Indoor Rock festival, Scream Dream’s moth-sound will be the headlining highlight but music fans of all tastes should find something to like in the parade of support acts, The New Puritans, Double Vision and Nightshade.
It all starts at 8pm on Sunday, it costs just £1 to get I and all proceeds go to the Tamworth Outdoor Rock Festival. No veiled messages here – just get there!
Tamworth Herald – 24/02/89
Screaming to Success
Tamworth’s second Indoor Festival night brought in another bumper crowd, four very different acts and plenty of talking points. The Fest is already a success with to more nights left I can already declare the event an unqualified triumph.
Scream Dream
MEGA performance from a band who prove that absence has made the sound grow stronger. This ranks (alongside the Scum Ball) as my favourite ever Scream dream concert because the group once again cranked it up really high and delivered an aggressive and relentless attack of power-music. The band have really added an extra batallion to their army and greatly saddened as I (and many other people were) to see Duane leave, you have to say that Dave Detroit is one hell of a replacement. Songwise the band have got bolder and more dynamic and the tunes follow each other with increasing clatter and clamour to give the ears a testing bashing from start to finish. Oldies like ‘When The hour Comes’ and a revitalised and revamped ‘Dreams’ were the noteable stand-outs but I was also won over by the last, vast blast where Ted Wilson went quite ballistic with his axe. Overall option? A brilliant and powerful as a right hook from the Godlike Brian Clough.
Tamworth Herald – 17/03/89
TWO of Tamworth’s biggest cult acts team up for a special double header on Sunday night.
Former Battle of the Bands winners Scream Dream will team up with the former Space Seeds, Bash Out The Odd, for a show which will almost certainly provide another bumper Arts Centre crowd.
The Scream Dreamers are continuing their policy of playing an increased amount of shows and they will look to build on their triumphant Indoor Festival gig last month. That exciting show was described in these hallowed columns as ‘aggressive, relentless and quite brilliant’ and it is clear they are now back on course in a very major way. Get set for a good ear-bashing.
Talking of ear-bashing, Sunday night provides the Tamworth public with their second chance to view Bash Out The Odd. This modern pop group (who were for a long time The Space Seeds and for a short time Shoot The Tailor) produced a very slick and professional set of sounds at their Indoor Festival debut three weeks ago and the band are hoping to impress even more this time around. They felt that the sound the first time around – wasn’t quite as hard and attacking as it should be and they aim to remedy that by cranking up the power on Sunday night.
That’s the line-up then, two top quality acts who will each be aiming to build on their shorter Indoor Festival sets last month.
It starts around 8.00pm so get along!
Tamworth Herald – 07/04/89
The recent success of Catch 23 and our recent (belated) demo blitz has meant that one or two local gig reviews have been held up a little. In order to not ignore them completely, here we summarise two reviews from recent Sunday night Arts Centre partys.
Scream Dream – Arts Centre
ENGULFED in dry ice smoke, Scream Dream emerged on stage and were soon into the swings of things with new songs such as ‘Morning Sun’, ‘The River’ and ‘Hometown’. Some of the old favourites namely ‘March Winds’, ‘When The Hour Comes’ and ‘Dreams’ were among the line up and the finishing number was the much-liked ‘Crazy Dogs’ which provided a fine new ending.
Jane Beech
Tamworth Herald – 28/04/89
TAMWORTH Arts Centre looks set to be packed-to-bursting on Sunday when several of the area’s greatest bands combine their talents for a special Hillsborough benefit.
The gig has been put through by Emma Gibbs’ man Lee Revelle and his contribution cannot be under-stated. He also deserves praise for writing the report below. He actually asked for anonymity, but I felt the report was so good that I would deny his request.
Catch 23, Emma Gibbs Loves Badges, DHSS, Scream Dream, World Intelligence Network and Shock Culture are among the bands participating in a benefit for the Hillsborough Relief Fund at The Arts Centre this Sunday.
In a magnificent gesture, Dave Fortune, the Arts Centre supreme has give free use of the hall for the evening ensuring all of the £1.50 entrance fee goes directly to the Fund.
Likely headliners Catch 23, oozing megastar confidence, have promised a mixture of old classics, interspersed with the odd cover version. Do not expect to leave The Arts Centre on Sunday without having heard the Catch lads blitz The Beatles and The Bunneymen.
Emma Gibbs Loves Badges will be parading an expanded line up for the first time, willing to impress all with a combination of fragile pop songs and massive stage presence. Guitarist Rob Kinson hinted that the bands recent songwriting flurry will be in evidence along with a couple of golden oldies.
One of the first groups to be involved were demonic metallists Scream Dream, who offer a raucous variation to the pop-drenched songs that make up the rest of the evening. Stephen king and his hairy bunch have undertaken to give a no holds barred performance which should delight all those with even slightly greasy tendencies.
Most unusual attraction of the evening will be an acoustic (yes!) stint by certain members of DHSS. Edward ian Armchair was a co-instigator of the event and welcomes the chance to (finally) let his intelligent songwords be heard, feeling that they are sometimes lost in the synth-based racket that is standard DHSS.
Shock Culture made their Tamworth debut a couple of months ago and are steadily improving with age. Expect a refreshing set from the Smiths-influenced pop kids.
Latest addition are W.I.N. performing for the second time in as many months. For anyone too young to remember them, if your pleasures include Cope, The Chameleons and songs about steamrollers, W.I.N. are good for you.
Although it was initially hoped for a full Fetch Eddie set, pod has ‘nipped off on his hols’. However, the bands cherubic guitarist Aaron James has pledged his support to the cause and is currently using his connections to form some sort of supergroup. What this entails is anyone’s guess but miss it at your peril!
All in all this show has event written all over it. There is a high possibility of more bands being added to the vastly impressive line up, but that this is already (excepting the festival( Tamworth’s gig of the year is quite beyond dispute. The running order is to be fought over on the night. So ensure you have a foothold in the door by 7.30, you might miss something historic.
Reporter by Lover-Lee Revelle
Tamworth Herald – 18/05/89
SCREAM Dream have just grabbed a tasty slice of the international action. For the five piece cult (or is that Cult?) act have been booked to take part in a major European festival at the start of August.
The group will join three other British bands at the Lyons (France) festival on August 5 in front of an estimated 25,000 strong crowd.
The band earned this marvellous trek after their tape was eagerly snatched up by a European agency. They agreed to out the band on at Lyons in what has become recognised as a very popular outdoor event.
“This is obviously the biggest thing that has happened to the band and we are all delighted,” explained guitarist Paul Keeton. “We are going to be playing in a massive bullfighting arena which last year was full of Europeans dying to hear good British music.”
The concert will give the band not only their biggest ever gig but also their first major taste of the high-life. They will be flown out to France and will be put up in a hotel during the course of their stay. It all sounds too good to be true, but the group have the contract to prove it.
“It is all a bit unreal at the moment but we have it in black and white and so everything is finalised. It should be a great weekend.
,” said Paul.
Local fans will be able to catch Scream Dream a little closer to home in the next couple of months. On June 2 they play the third “Scum Ball” gig at Tamworth Assembly Rooms up with DHSS, Flowers in the Attic and Sheffield band The Edge Of Faith.
Scream Dream follow this on Sunday July 16 when they play on one of the major slots at Tamworth Rock Festival. And then it is off for a bit of ‘ooh la la!”
Tamworth Herald – 02/06/89
TAMWORTH Assembly Rooms is the setting tonight (Friday) for a splendid line-up in the second ‘Scum Ball’ event.
The Assembly Rooms will open its doors to the power of Scream Dream, Flowers in the Attic, Sheffield missionaries The Edge of Faith and the MUSICBOX band of the year, DHSS.
The quartet will join forces for what Scream Dream guitarist Paul Keeton confidently believes will be a real party.
“The great thing about playing at the Assembly Rooms is that everyone seems to enjoy the spectacle,” said Paul. “For the bands it is a wonderful ego trip being able to play on such a big stage, and all the punters seem to enjoy going to the Assems as well.”
Scum Ball Two aims to be more that-yer-average gig. The organisers have splashed out considerable expense to hire the Assembly Rooms and according to Paul that extra expense (and extra risk) is very worthwhile.
“The Arts Centre is good for smaller gigs but you can’t beat getting out onto a stage like the Assembly Rooms and giving it some stick,” he said. “Everyone liked the last couple of Assems shows we did and we are confident that a big crowd will turn out on Friday night.”
Opening tonight’s Scum Ball will be Flowers in the Attic, easily one of the most popular new bands on the scene. The show organisers are hoping that the Atticers will bring in a whole new audience to the Scum Ball scene and a good set is assured.
Following on from the Flowers will be the Edge of Faith, a band who you won’t have seen yet. They hail from Sheffield and such is their pedigree that they have already toured with the famous alternative act Salvation. The Edge of Faith are described as unashamed Mission-ites and they sound like good Tamworth material.
Third up tonight will be Scream Dream, the main organisers of Scum Ball ’89 and the only band to have played all the three Assembly Rooms rock bonanzas. The band promise a set featuring one or two newies and they are looking to show the world that they have hardened their alternative base.
“We’ve definitely got a bit heavier,” said Paul, “That’s entirely because of our drummer whose a real metal-head.”
Following on from Screamers and the Metalhead, will be the walking, wailing nightmare that is DHSS. This four-piece have been keeping busy of late and are keenly awaiting the chance to play in the luxurious Assembly rooms arena. It is the same stage that had held The Beatles and The Rolling Stones remember so DHSS should feel well at home with those fellow mega-stars…
“We’re gonna be as mega as ever,” said eloquent keyboard fraud Rope Quay, “It should be even more fun than watching grass grow.”
Reggie Quay added that DHSS would feature a ‘very large surprise’ in the middle of their set and without giving too much away it is ONE of a) Jason Donavan b) Julius Caesar or c) Buttercup. We don’t know which one at this stage.
That’s the package then – Flowers in the Attic, Edge of Faith, Scream Dream and DHSS. Throw in the excellent Hamlets bar, a big noisy sound and a lot of fun and you can get for a fine show.
It starts at 8pm so get your scummy selves along to Scum ball 2!
Tamworth Herald – 09/06/89
FOR THE MANY Scumballers who obviously overdid it at the Assems bar and are having difficulty remembering the evening, let me assure you that you did enjoy it…
With Sheffield’s Edge of Faith apparently enjoying the delights of Britain’s motorways (they never did arrive) it was left to Flowers in the Attic to set the Scumball rolling. It’s never an easy task to be first on but with the large hall filling up slowly from the back – the band had to look far into the dark and distant reaches of the Assems for their audience.
It was an impressive set and my only complaints would be that the vocals didn’t match up to the Flower’s powerful music and that the band failed to make use of the fairly big Assems stage.
I’m sure they’ll go from strength to strength before we’ve seen many more Scumballs however.
LOOKING and sounding undeniably like a cross between The Cult and any good old-fashioned Heavy Metals band you care to name, the Kings of Scumball showed how much they enjoy the venue and the event as they put on a powerful performance.
Part of the timid crowd had ventured nearer the front and it was clear that Scumball II was living up to its expectations.
‘Not their best’ said a source close to the band, who shall remain nameless, but it was certainly good and will have whetted a few appetites for their Rock festival appearance.
THE SCUMBALL demonstrated the strengths and weaknesses of DHSS quite clearly. Their strengths are their ability to play in a large-ish venue and to get the crowd enjoying a load of their now familiar songs, plus splendid new tunes like ‘Pennies from Heaven’. The stage also gave Rikk Quay plenty of room to leap around without knocking too much over.
The weakness was the inevitable cock-up as the band’s Computer Studies CSE proved insufficient to keep the music to certain songs going for longer than a few seconds. Musically and technically they are excellent but on far too many occasions they show all the organisation of a British rail timetable…and it’s a shame. When they are good, they are absolutely brilliant, but when things go wrong, they can be embarrassing.
Shock news following Friday’s gig is that Scream Dream vocalist Steve has parted company with the band. Band spokesman Paul Keeton blamed good old traditional ‘Musical differences’ for the split. Musicbox understands a replacement singer is already being lined up.
Sean Atkins
Tamworth Herald – 01/09/89
ONE of the area’s best new bands team up on Sunday night with one of the area’s best older acts for a powerful Arts Centre double-header.
Scream Dream, now with enthusiastic new frontsman Ian Greatrex, will join forces with the powerful What’s This Heads Down Mindless Boogie About Nothing (hereby referred to simply as Mindless!) for a show that promises to delight everyone who slots into a variety of music departments on the alternative fringe.
Scream Dream who say their sound is a mixture of metal and goth music, have been wooing audiences throughout the Midlands and this is the first time their new line-up will hit the ‘home ground’ of the Tamworth Arts Centre. Ted, Paul, Niz and Dave now have the added strength of singer Ian, perhaps better known to some of you by his former name which I am not allowed to print but has something to do with a major cult Sixties series which included Spock, Kirk and the odd Klingon.
Joining forces with Star Trek’s team (damn, it slipped out!) will be the Mindless crew who impressed everyone with their raunchy Sisters-apparel at the festival earlier this year.
Together it makes for a very powerful duo, and with a possible third special guest act on view, it promises to be a nice night out for Sunday evening revellers.
It starts at 8pm, and costs £1.50 on the door. See you there.
Tamworth Herald – 08/09/89
All Reviews by SAM HOLLIDAY
Scream Dream – Tamworth Arts Centre
And so we come full circle. The first time I met Paul, Nix and Ian Greatrex was when they formed a HM band dedicated to blitzing the town along with fellow metals warriors of that day Wolfsbane and BHX. Then Ian went walkies, Paul and Niz heard a few Sisters and Mission records and a new (and exciting) alternative phase began. Now, several years on, Ian is back and with him comes a new sense of power and the final completion of the circle that takes Scream Dream right back into the metal waters. This owed far more to Guns ‘n’ Roses than it did to any alternative band and you know what – it works magnificently. This was a cracking gig which from the opening blasting, bludgeoning track to the excellent finale ‘Lonely Night’ was one of a spectacular trio of stand-out tracks along with the superb ‘Hometown’ and the blistering and bitter ‘Tomorrow’. In these power-metal pop spheres the band are in very much a class of their own. It is not fully fledged metal (yet) but it is cleverly pitched somewhere near to it while remaining with the belligerant style of the harder end of the alternative scene. G n R eat your hearts out, the Sacred Oath circle has been completed and this could be the beginning of something even more exciting than the past.
Tamworth Herald – 15/09/89
Demo ratings
***** Mega pretty
****Very pretty
***Pretty pretty
**Pretty ugly
ONCE again it is time to sift through SME of the many local demos that have been sent to our offices over the past few months. Here, Martin Warrillow, Sean Atkins, Sam Holliday and Mike Turner cast their eyes and ears over some of the goodies that have been created in various studios in the past couple of months…
Scream Dream – Hometown****
Nice taster this for the new Scream Dream concept. Although not quite as hevvvy as the recent live performance at the Arts Centre, the songs here still have that powerful melodic approach which would put them firmly into the Rock Charts sphere of the Chart Show. ‘Hometown’ and the naggingly catchy ‘Lonely Nights’ are stunners, while ‘Morning Sun’ is a real grower, a well-written track with a toe-tapper of a hookline. It’s a great tape, stopped only from being an almighty one by a very flat and disappointing production job.
Sam Holliday
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
EVER-popular rocksters Scream Dream return to the Arts Centre base on Sunday night as the spearhead of a powerful three band show.
The group will join those metal nutters from hell Chemikill and a group from Sudbury – the Eastern town who of course Tamworth FC beat in this year’s FA Vase final.
The show looks like being a very strong attack on the ears with the Sudbury band Death Lock having a metal sound, Chemikill having an equally violent attack and Scream dream now revamped in their new and more dramatic sound.
The gig, a sprightly looking trio, costs just £1.50 to enter and starts at 8pm. Get set to get rocked.
Tamworth Herald – 20/10/89
Scream Dream – Tamworth Arts Centre
Complete with Reverb PS’s most powerful sound to date. Scream Dream produced THEIR most powerful sound to date and the effect was very pleasing indeed. As well as having a lot more hair than before, the band also have a lot more fire in their loins and the excellent guitar work of the Keeton and Wilson clan, drives the sound along with consistency and relish. Ian’s vocals are forced to get into ever louder degrees of screaming to top off the effect of the mass guitar assault and it makes for a frighteningly full and overwhelming sound. Best toon of the night was the classic ‘Tomorrow’ which even beat my personal fave (and contender for MUSICBOX song of the year) ‘Hometown’. A band who I have always liked but I am now starting to fall in love with. If it turns sexual I’ll let you know.
Sam Holliday
Tamworth Herald – 03/11/89
Scream Dream are searching for a new drummer. The search comes following the surprise resignation of Dave Burgess (in sympathy for Nigel Lawson perhaps?) in apparently amicable circumstances. Scream Dream now want a quality drummer who is open-minded about what he/she plays. Although the group are in a rock sphere at the moment they stress that their sound may be changing soon so they want a versatile and powerful sticksman.
Tamworth Herald – 01/12/89
Saddest news of the day/week/month/season is that Scream Dream appear to have finally bitten the dust. It seems as if the Teddy (Wilson) boys have gone their separate ways criminally leaving behind one of the best bands we’ve seen in years. I remain hopeful that this is not a definitive split and would ask you, their fans, so vote for them back together again. I couldn’t bear not hearing ‘Hometown’ again.
Tamworth Herald- 16/02/90
Three fifths of Scream Dream are back on the warpath! Paul, Star Trek and Ted are back in business and are looking for a bassist. If gangly pop/rock is your bag why not ring Ted.
Tamworth Herald – 04/05/90
Crazy screams abound
IMMENSELY popular grebo-warriors Crazyhead hit The Rathole on Thursday for a major show alongside Tamworth outfit Scream.
The combination of the two potential crowdpullers should give the Rathole one of its biggest Thursday audiences yet, and a very powerful night is assured.
Headliners Crazyhead have carved themselves a reputation for being one of the most powerful bands around…Supporting them will be a ‘new’ Tamworth band called simply Scream. The word new earned it’s single quotation marks because this is really the 1990 version of Scream Dream complete with a new line-up and without the Dream in the title!
“After we lost both our drummer and our bassist things went very quiet but we then struck lucky on two fronts. First we met up with Stu our new drummer and then while we were in Hamlets we spotted this guy who looked like a bass player. We went and spoke to him and lo and behold he WAS a bass player and so he joined us as well,” they say.
The new bassist – Mark has fitted in extremely well as has drummer Stu, and the effect has been to make the band just as good and strong as ever. One or two tunes have survived the older days (including the brilliant ‘Hometown’) and they have been supplemented by seven more newies which are melodic and exciting.
Scream are delighted to be making their ‘debut’ alongside Crazyhead as Scream-er Ted Wilson is a big fan of the Crazies and has travelled a fair few miles to see them in the past. This time he will have to travel merely into Tamworth town and so must you because this looks like a concert not to be missed. It’s at the Rathole on Thursday, it starts at 8 and it promises to be one of the best shows in the Town this year. Get along.
Tamworth Herald – 08/06/90
TAMWORTH boasts three top shows this week – and thankfully none of them clash with one another.
Top out of Towners like Bradford and the Trashcan Sinatras will be on show as will local favourites like The Searching and Scream in a week of smiles for local gig-goers.
Friday night, Sunday night and Thursday night will all offer music for the discerning ear and serious gig-hoppers can expect an expensive week.
In brief the line-ups read…
Friday (Tonight) – Tamworth Arts Centre: Scream, Chemikill and Litany of Fear.
Sunday – The Rathole, Lincolns: Trashcan Sinatras, The Laurels and The Searching.
Thursday – The Rathole, Lincolns: Bradford; The New Puritans.
A brief resume on who is doing what based on the limited info we have…
Scream, Chemikill, Litany of Fear – Tamworth Arts Centre tonight.
A powerful line-up of local talent this one and one which should produce a large Friday night audience.
Topping off the night will be Scream who will be making their first Arts Centre show with their recently re-organised set up. The band have already impressed with the shows at The Rathole and in Leicester and they are keen to establish a form base for local domination at tonight’s key show.
In support will be eccentric metal madmen Chemikill making a swift return to the venue after Sunday’s Festive Fundraiser and Litany of Fear who will be in outdoor Festival action for the first time in 1990. Many nice things have reached my ears about Litany of Fear and as they feature the delightful Kev Urwin they can do no wrong in my book.
A powerful way to spend your Friday night this.
Tamworth Herald – 03/08/90
Scream have confirmed that they are playing at the Arts Centre on Sunday August 12. Support will be from Chemikill and A.N. Other. More info next week.
Tamworth Herald – 10/08/90
Tamworth turns into a ‘four gig’ Town again this week with two contrasting Sunday night shows, a Wednesday night Chequers gig and then a remarkable six band local event on Thursday night.
The Rathole – The Honeyturtles/Divine Pet
Tamworth Arts Centre – Scream Dream/Chemikill
Scream Dream/Chemikill – Tamworth Arts Centre – Sunday
Splendid double-header this from two of THE bands of Festival 90. Chemikill are loudly and correctly vaunted as being the band that really broke the Festival ice and there is no doubt that their outside Castle Grounds show earned them a great deal of new friends. They should see the benefit of that with an increased turnout on Sunday night. Scream Dream also turned in their usual high-standard Fest-set and as a result are sure to have strengthened their already formidable base following. It’s hard, it’s driving, it’s whistleable and it’s fun. A good night to sweat this one. Arts Centre. £1.50ish and well worth a visit.
Tamworth Herald – 17/08/90
Scream Dream possess a wonderful consistency. No matter how many personnel, direction or even name changes the band endures they can still produce the goods when and where it really matters – onstage. They are part of a near non-existent club of local bands who have never disappointed live and always leave me with something to chew on as I depart for home. This show was no exception. In spite of a pretty dodgy PA there was no denying the clarity and power of the Screaming tunes and mixture of old and new worked very well indeed. ‘Another Lonely Night’ was again the pick of the bunch and I really believe the band should consider investing all their limited funds into turning this gem into a single. It is packed full of quality and tuneful buoyancy and would sound simply delicious on vinyl. Indeed the one lasting thought I had after this gig is it really is time that the band took a major step forward. Time and Time again they have proved their local credential and it is now time I think that they threw everything into making the band hit those heights. They should jump in a van and head north or south and ‘do a Wolfsbane’ by playing everywhere and anywhere to build up a following. They are now, without question, good enough and strong enough to make it and they should risk everything to do so. They deserve a bigger audience than an Arts Centre one and the only was to do it is to go out and find it. One of the finest bands this area has ever produced. I am now convinced that the big, wide world is ready for Scream Dream. The real question is are Scream Dream ready for the big, wide world?
Sam Holliday
Tamworth Herald – 31/08/90
The annual Burton Rock Festival is invaded by Tamworth acts on Wednesday night when no less than four of the five bands on view hail from Tamworth.
Following an opening show by a group called The Gatecrashers, Burton rock fans will be able to see Satellite Spies (ex-A5), Breaking Point, Scream Dream and then headliners Eight Ball Joe as Tamworth well and truly goes for a Burton.
The three day Fest – at the impressive Burton Town Hall – runs on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with other bands on offer including The JFKs (Thursday), The Lemondrops (Friday) and the National People’s Gang (Friday). Eight Ball Joe are pictured.
Tamworth Herald – 14/12/90
Tamworth’s music lovers are set for a real Christmas treat this week with no less than FOUR major concerts on offer.
Everyone from firm favourites like The Yogots and Rhythm Damage to the all-new Foundation and the revamped Scream Dream will be in action this week in easily the busiest week since the Festival.
In a nutshell here is what is happening, where and when…
Tamworth Arts Centre
The Foundation/Empire Falls plus Special Guests.
The Rathole
Scream Dream plus Guests
The Jolly Sailor
The Yogots/Crystal Injection/The Sherbert Trees/Fly on the Wall
The Rathole
Rhythm Damage/Catch 23/Emma Gibbs Loves Badges/Vindaloo Breakfast/Big Noise/Guilty Party/Sindy’s Sonic Garden
Here in a bit more detail is what you can expect to see on the various nights, so take your pick of the shows on offer and get your dancing boots on.
Sunday – The Rathole
Scream Dream
The return of the screaming ones complete with their wonderful collection of songs, their and their all together good eggish reputation. Support act is unclear at the mo, but a good night is certain.